Interactive Data Table in Pluto.jl (via a silly hack)

:laughing:, I never thought about that. It’s because of the static id for the <div> where the Vue app is rendered. Use this version instead:

using JSON2
using Random
using Tables

function data_table(table)
	app_id = randstring('a':'z')
	d = Dict(
        "headers" => [Dict("text" => string(name), "value" => string(name)) for name in Tables.columnnames(table)],
        "data" => [Dict(string(name) => row[name] for name in Tables.columnnames(table)) for row in Tables.rows(table)]
	djson = JSON2.write(d)
	return HTML("""
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

	  <div id="$app_id">

	  <script src=""></script>
	  <script src=""></script>
		new Vue({
		  el: '#$app_id',
		  vuetify: new Vuetify(),
		  data () {
				return $djson
		.v-application--wrap {
			min-height: 10vh;
		.v-data-footer__select {
			display: none;

Note that you now need to load the Random package.