Using prettytables with Pluto

Hi all,

PrettyTables for my custom type does not print out correctly in Pluto. It does work properly in the REPL however. I noticed that DataFrames uses PrettyTables and it works in Pluto. What is needed to get it to work?

Here is my code:

	using ACTRModels
	chunk = [Chunk() for _ in 1:10]

As you can see, it displays each row separately.

│ Property     │ Value        │
│ slots        │ NamedTuple() │
│ N            │  1.00        │
│ L            │  1.00        │
│ time_created │  0.00        │
│ recent       │ [0.0]        │
│ act_mean     │  0.00        │
│ act          │  0.00        │
│ act_blc      │  0.00        │
│ bl           │  0.00        │
│      ⋮       │      ⋮       │
                 3 rows omitted
│ Property     │ Value        │
│ slots        │ NamedTuple() │
│ N            │  1.00        │
│ L            │  1.00        │
│ time_created │  0.00        │
│ recent       │ [0.0]        │
│ act_mean     │  0.00        │
│ act          │  0.00        │
│ act_blc      │  0.00        │
│ bl           │  0.00        │
│      ⋮       │      ⋮       │
                 3 rows omitted

A second problem is that it does not provide the “more” option when a single element is displayed. As you can see above, when a single element is displayed, it says 3 rows omitted, but there is no option to expand the view.

Here is the source code for an array and a single element.

Hi Chris, do you provide a method for your type?

Hi Rob, here are some links to my methods.

With PrettyTables v 1.2, you could use HTML as the 1st argument to render a table as HTML. See issue #130 for more details. As for your specific question, if you could post a minimum working example, we could help.

@cce, thanks for your suggestion. The example I provide above is sufficient to reproduce the problem if you put it into Pluto (EDIT: see the link below). Here it is again for your convenience:

	using ACTRModels
	chunk = [Chunk() for _ in 1:10]

Let me know if you need more info.

I tried your suggestion:, io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", chunks::Vector{<:Chunk})

But it did not change the output.

Here is a link to a pluto notebook where you can modify the method.

Update: I updated the notebook to include PrettyTables. For some reason it was working without it, but stopped.

Oops, should have looked at that! What do you get with:

Text(sprint(show, "text/plain", chunk))


Text(sprint(show, "text/plain", chunk[1:3]))

in the notebook?

Are you intentionally after text/plain output (rather than HTML) when you are displaying your table; perhaps the default column width set by Pluto is the problem? If HTML is more welcome, on line 25 add backend = Val(:html) as a named parameter? Alternatively, you could use pretty_tables(HTML, ...) variant which returns an HTML object that implements show("text/html", ...

Rob, your method does print things properly. However, I am not sure how I should incorporate it into

I also noticed another potential issue. Pluto does not call the methods consistently. I updated the Pluto notebook to demonstrate the problem. You will be able to see which method is called in the REPL. This does not happen if I run the code directly from the REPL. Do you see the same issue?

Yes, the initial gist works and shows what I’m also getting. I have tried HTML instead of io as first argument to pretty_table() to no avail. Adding Clark’s other suggestion does not work either on my system.

I have often been wondering about the key ideas behind this, In StatisticalRethinking for now I reverted to using constructs such as:

CHNS(chns::MCMCChains.Chains) = Text(sprint(show, "text/plain", chns))

so for display folks can just do CHNS(chns).

DataFrames, AxisKeys and DimensionalData all work pretty nicely. They all also support the Tables API. But I’m not sure that is why. At one point I created a StanTable struct that supports the Tables API which also seemed to work a bit better. All speculation.

Will take a look at your updated gist. I dev-ed ACTRModels and inserted a cell:

    import Pkg
    # careful: this is _not_ a reproducible environment
    # activate the global environment

    using ACTRModels

which allows you to use the dev-ed version if you un-comment Pkg.activate().

1 Like

Interesting, I think I see the same thing. Once the show method for chunk is loaded, it will always use this to print the array of chunks. Is that what you mean?

Edit 1: And indeed this does not happen in the REPL. I’ve looked at the cell sequence at the bottom of the notebook, but that seems ok. But somehow Pluto chooses the “eltype of the array” show method.

Edit 2: In Pluto you can see what method is called in the Terminal where Pluto is started.

Yes. It appears to automatically broadcast each element of the vector to, ::MIME"text/plain", chunk::Chunk). The correct method is called in the REPL, suggesting Pluto is doing something differently.

One way to test this is to wrap the vector in an arbitrary type M and dispatch on M. In the example below, it prints a table as expected, but unfortunately it does not allow an expandable view. It truncates the other rows.

### A Pluto.jl notebook ###

# v0.16.1

using Markdown

using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ 633f980c-2e8d-11ec-2fe5-57a90a261d20


using ACTRModels, PrettyTables

import Base: show

import ACTRModels: chunk_fields, chunk_values


# ╔═╡ ad4a2280-413d-4bc0-9595-a035d6145bc3


### Show method for vector


# ╔═╡ f836d1b6-4306-4bd6-81b9-79ca488dc4b8

chunks = [Chunk() for _ in 1:100];

# ╔═╡ b9df65c6-ce2d-494e-a770-7abbf247aee3


Now that chunks have been defined, it only called the Chunk version of (x10).


# ╔═╡ 744b157b-843e-4ea1-b889-afd1753e63ae


### Wrapping vector in M

This prints out a table, but does not allow one to expand the view.


# ╔═╡ 7de7b3a9-b7e1-47ed-9321-443008d824ba

struct M



# ╔═╡ 49c4c381-2019-4052-8acf-b72a29503be8

function, ::MIME"text/plain", chunks::M)

chunks = chunks.x

table = [chunk_values(chunk) for chunk in chunks]

table = hcat(table...)

table = permutedims(table)

table = isempty(chunks) ? fill(Missing, 1, length(chunk_fields)) : table


return pretty_table(




# row_name_column_title="Parameter",








# ╔═╡ db15d81d-eed6-47de-b799-48479ebf3db2


# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001



ACTRModels = "c095b0ea-a6ca-5cbd-afed-dbab2e976880"

PrettyTables = "08abe8d2-0d0c-5749-adfa-8a2ac140af0d"


ACTRModels = "~0.10.3"

PrettyTables = "~1.2.2"


# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002


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# ╔═╡ Cell order:

# ╠═633f980c-2e8d-11ec-2fe5-57a90a261d20

# ╟─ad4a2280-413d-4bc0-9595-a035d6145bc3

# ╠═49c4c381-2019-4052-8acf-b72a29503be8

# ╠═f836d1b6-4306-4bd6-81b9-79ca488dc4b8

# ╟─b9df65c6-ce2d-494e-a770-7abbf247aee3

# ╟─744b157b-843e-4ea1-b889-afd1753e63ae

# ╠═7de7b3a9-b7e1-47ed-9321-443008d824ba

# ╠═db15d81d-eed6-47de-b799-48479ebf3db2

# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001

# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002

As a point of comparison, Jupyter prints the table (although it does not support the expandable view feature).

In the end (say a couple of months ago) I decided, with a few exception like CHNS() and HPDI(), to always use a DataFrame for display. A bit extra work but worth it for me. A KeyedArray (from AxisKeys.jl) for chains is quite nice because it immediately shows the meaning of the axes.

I really like Pluto.jl but sometimes I think a REPL-like Pluto (switch?) would have been great to allow HTML/JavaScript output.

Interesting. I was considering DataFrames as a hack to make the display work. The main drawback is that it is a large dependency that adds to the load time. I want to avoid that, but it looks like right now that is not possible.

If Pluto becomes more robust, I actually think it would be better than the REPL because you can expand/scroll through tables and large amounts of output. But right now, it is not very user friendly.

You could let PrettyTables know that Vector{Chunk} is a table?

using Tables, PrettyTables, ACTRModels
Tables.rowaccess(::Vector{<:Chunk}) = true
chunks = [Chunk() for _ in 1:10]
pretty_table(HTML, chunks)

Perhaps ACTRModels could upstream this definition if it’s common knowledge that a vector of chunks could be seen as a table. Then you’d only need pretty_table(HTML, chunks).

There is an active Pluto user community on zulip. You also might find PlutoGrid useful?

Wow Clark! That does the trick! So maybe my hunch about the Tables API did have some merit.

Chris, just to summarize where Clark’s suggestions got us:

    import Pkg

    # Remove '#' to disable Pluto Pkg management.
    # Careful: It will _no longer_ be a reproducible environment

    using ACTRModels
    using Tables, PrettyTables
    import Base: show
    import ACTRModels: chunk_fields, chunk_values

Tables.rowaccess(::Vector{<:Chunk}) = true
chunks = [Chunk() for _ in 1:30]

md"### Without show method no visible output"
chunk = Chunk()

md"### Show method for chunk"
function, ::MIME"text/plain", chunk::Chunk)
    values = chunk_values(chunk)
    return pretty_table(

md" ### This should have the option to expand"
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Maybe in the future we can create a type called PrettyTable with the sole purpose of storing a table with the configurations to print it. Thus, we could overload show and everything will work. However, I really do not want that the default options of the function pretty_table make it return an object since pretty_table is supposed to be a rendered (something like the function print but for tables :D). This idea to have an object called PrettyTable which you can create using the same options used in pretty_table should provide us with the best of both worlds.

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PrettyTable(aTable) should work fine, this would be trivial to construct as well.

Did you intend to use the text/plain rendering, or would it be better to use text/html? Perhaps it’s just that you use show(..., ::MIME"text/html", ...) and then return pretty_table(io, values; backend = Val(:html), ...) ?