Interactive 3D Plot with Atom+Juno

Hi! I would like to draw 3D plots in Julia with Atom+Juno. Ideally, the features that I would like from the plots are interactivity (zooming and rotation), transparency of the surface, and that it works with Atom+Juno (not necessarily in the Plot pane). I have tried different “solutions” found on the internet (mainly using Plots and/or PyPlot) but no one gave me the desired result. The problems that I encountered were generally that no interactive window pops up, and/or that the surfaces were not transparent.

If someone could provide me a minimal working example, e.g., for drawing a tetrahedron with transparent faces (a cube would be fine too, but I am also interested in drawing surfaces that cannot be obtained as the image of rectangular meshes, as it is possible to do in Matlab with the function “patch”), I would be very grateful.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Have you considered Makie.jl? It can generate interactive 3D interfaces easily, though it requires OpenGL.

Have a look at some of the examples as well!

You might look into Meshing.jl for creating these meshes as well.


If you get the impression that any given package should give you interactive plots but doesn’t in Juno, try disabling the plot pane (that’s an option in the julia-client settings) – after that you should get the exact same output as in the REPL.