I’m testing a few different “Hello World” examples using the ClusterManagers package for a small SLURM cluster, and it appears that my ClusterManagers slurm.jl file is outdated, despite showing the most recent version. The file is located at ~/.julia/packages/ClusterManagers/7pPEP/src/slurm.jl
. As a result, I keep hitting an old bug that has since been fixed (https://discourse.julialang.org/t/unexpected-warn-related-error-message-if-jobs-dont-start-on-slurm-cluster/23729).
shows that I have the latest version of ClusterManagers, which is "ClusterManagers" => v"0.3.2"
. However, if you look at the actual ClusterManagers slurm.jl file, it is consistent with an older version that was fixed in v0.3.1. The actual commit is here: https://github.com/JuliaParallel/ClusterManagers.jl/commit/8f9ac9a2bf7cb489d09740b3b42cd7f767c41427
I’ve tried updating the package (to include specifying --minor flag) to no avail. Is there a reason that this file, and overall package, would not be consistent with its reported version?
I’m running the latest version of Julia (1.3.0) on my ARM-based Raspbian OS (Raspberry Pi cluster).