Using multi-node Distributed.jl in a slurm cluster

I have found that many of the (not so) documented workflows for using Distributed.jl to distribute proccesses in several nodes of a slurm cluster have several drawbacks, specially for clusters that do not allow ssh connections to the compute nodes. After scratching my head for a while, I manged to find a more or less comapct way to do de parallel calculation in an efficient way that I want to share, for those also looking for these and also asking for comments and improvements.

I have prepared a mwe, but here I explain it in a more detailed fashion.

First, I have noticed that the addprocs_slurm() function of ClusterManagers.jl fails 50% of the times in some of the clusters I have tried to use it. I don’t know the reason, sometimes it works, sometimes it returns timeouts exceptions from the slurm tasks.

I’ve found that SlurmClusterManager.jl, works fine.

Second, in order for the precompilaton is performed only once (and not once per worker), we need all workers to access the same Julia depot and Manifest.toml. However, it seems that this environment variables cannot be changed from within a julia code, but have to be set before running julia.

The workflow I now follow consists in running bash from de cluster access node. This script is the one I edit to set the sbatchparameters and looks like this:

sbatch <<EOT
## Slurm header
#SBATCH --partition=esbirro
#SBATCH --ntasks=64
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --output="slurm.out/%j.out"

julia --project launcher.jl

First it runs

mkdir -p "$depot_path"
export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="$depot_path"

julia --project prolog.jl

which creates a directory for the julia depot in the cluster shared filesystem and sets the appropiate environment variables. JULIA_DEPOT_PATH to point to this depot and JULIA_PROJECT to point to the directory that contains the Manifest.toml. As they are set before running julia, they will be visible to all workers we launch. Then this prologue executes a julia script

using Pkg

to instantiate and precompile, if neccesary. Finally, runs launcher.jl, which actually opens the parallel workers and runs the code. It looks something like this

#!/usr/bin/env -S julia --project

## Julia setup
script_path = ENV["SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR"]

using Distributed, SlurmClusterManager

## Run code

## Clean up

All the actual code is in src/main.jl, where I can run all using and inlcude,even with relative paths, as if I was writing code for a local distributed calculation.

I have tested it in several slurm clusters and it works pretty well. The workers launch time has reduced significantly in comparison to instantiating and precompiling in each of them and I have never runed into a timeout exception.

What do you think about this workflow? Do you see any possible improvements?


Thank you. It was very useful to me. I have recently changed cluster, still with SLURM. But I found very bad performances, I think related to precompilation.

Could it be that it is because I’m running from the home directly instead of the scratch one? It it possible such a huge difference? I don’t have still access to the scratch because I’m in a test project, but I ask just to know what to say to them.

Also, I see that you a running the precompilation outside the slum sbatch, does this mean that you are precompiling from the login node?