I have:
a = rand(Int32, 10, 10)
i = Float32[8.47, 8.47]
and I want access an element e
of a
using rounded values in i
as 2D index. Is there a more concise way of doing it than:
j = Int.(round.(i))
e = a[j[1], j[2]]
I have:
a = rand(Int32, 10, 10)
i = Float32[8.47, 8.47]
and I want access an element e
of a
using rounded values in i
as 2D index. Is there a more concise way of doing it than:
j = Int.(round.(i))
e = a[j[1], j[2]]
There is
a[round.(Int, i)...]
Performance-wise, though,
a[round.(Int, (i[1], i[2]))...]
would be better, as splatting can be done at compile time.
I think the compiler can figure this out just fine if you use eg map
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> round_getindex(a, ι) = a[map(i -> round(Int, i), ι)...]
round_getindex (generic function with 1 method)
julia> round_getindex_dot(a, ι) = a[round.(Ref(Int), ι)...]
round_getindex_dot (generic function with 1 method)
julia> round_getindex2(a, ι) = a[round(Int, ι[1]), round(Int, ι[2])]
round_getindex2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> a = rand(Int, 100, 100);
julia> ι = (1.1, 3.9)
(1.1, 3.9)
julia> @btime round_getindex($a, $ι)
5.027 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime round_getindex_dot($a, $ι)
102.631 ns (3 allocations: 48 bytes)
julia> @btime round_getindex2($a, $ι)
5.028 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
It runs faster because you are using tuples. My case requires an array, though. Here is what I get:
a = rand(Int, 100, 100)
i = [1.1, 3.9]
round_getindex(a, ι) = a[map(i -> round(Int, i), ι)...]
round_getindex_dot_(a, ι) = a[round.(Int, ι)...]
round_getindex_dot(a, ι) = a[round.(Ref(Int), ι)...]
round_getindex2(a, ι) = a[round(Int, ι[1]), round(Int, ι[2])]
julia> @btime round_getindex($a, $i)
86.435 ns (4 allocations: 144 bytes)
julia> @btime round_getindex_dot_($a, $i)
78.898 ns (3 allocations: 128 bytes)
julia> @btime round_getindex_dot($a, $i)
282.062 ns (10 allocations: 288 bytes)
julia> @btime round_getindex2($a, $i)
3.363 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
If feasible, consider StaticArrays.SVector
if speed is relevant.
Fortunately, speed is not a problem. I’m constrained by Makie API:
pos = to_world(scene1, Point2f0(scene1.events.mouseposition[]))
My main objective was to learn a new syntax trick.