Accessing an N-dimensional array with a vector with N indeces

I’m currently trying to optimize some code I made that needs to access arrays with a user defined number of dimensions. For example, I could get a 3-dimensional array from a user and need to access an element of this array according to some internal logic, like this:

array_3d = zeros(10,10,10)
function get_element_3d(array,i1,i2,i3)
    return array[i1,i2,i3]
@benchmark get_element_3d(array_3d,1,1,1)

here the specific coordinates I want to access would be determined during the run itself. The code above just takes ~20 ns on my computer.

Now the problem is that I do not know the dimensionality of the array, so what I’m doing right now is to determine a vector with the indeces I want to access and use the splat operator. The example below illustrates this on the same 3d array.

array_3d = zeros(10,10,10)
function get_element_splat(array, indeces)
    return array[indeces...]
target_index = [1,1,1]
@benchmark get_element_splat(array_3d, target_index)

this is useful because I can provide an N-d array with a vector with N integers and it will still work. However the code above is 5 times slower and performing a @code_warntype on get_element_splat(array_3d, target_index) indicates that julia cannot infer the return type of the function.

So my question is, is there an efficient way to access an element of an N-dimensional array using a tuple with N integers indicating the indeces?

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I think you want the getindex function.

@benchmark getindex(array_3d, [1,1,1])
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Ideally, if you know the dimension N of the array when target_index is created, then you should make target_index a Tuple instead of a Vector:

target_index = (1, 1, 1)
@benchmark get_element_splat($array_3d, $target_index)  # fast!

And I guess you already know N if you already have an N-dimensional array.

In what sense do you not know the dimensionality of the array? What information do you use to calculate the indices?

The solution is normally to use a tuple instead of a vector for the indices, but it’s not really clear how the indices are produced.

Rather than using a Vector or Tuple, this is exactly what CartesianIndex is for. Check this blog post for more info.

julia> x = reshape(1:27,3,3,3);

julia> getindex(x,(2,2,2)...) # splat a tuple

julia> getindex(x,CartesianIndex(2,2,2))

You can construct a CartesianIndex from a sequence of integers, a tuple of integers, or from various iteration utilities such as eachindex(IndexCartesian(),x), which returns an efficient iterator to produce the CartesianIndexes to access every element of x.

But as the above poster mentioned, you’ll need to tell us where these indices are coming from for us to really help you solve your problem.


Thanks everyone for the feedback here, learned a lot from it. For benchmark I did not know about the “$” notation for variables! @mikmoore , that blog post on multidimensional algorithms was great.

My original question might have been a bit obscure on why I’m trying to do this, so to give a bit more context my objective was to do an n-dimensional extension of bilinear interpolation (Bilinear interpolation - Wikipedia). I include below a simplified version of the solution I coded in case anyone finds it useful.

For example I can evaluate a function in a regular 2d grid:

# create mock array and coordinates of regular grid
using Plots
A = ones(5,5)
coords = [collect(LinRange(0,1,5)) for i in 1:2]
for index in CartesianIndices(A)
    A[index] = coords[1][index[1]] + (coords[1][index[2]])^2


I want to create a function that interpolates at arbitrary coordinates for an array of arbitrary dimension (in this case the dimension is 2 and I’m just doing bilinear interpolation). Using the tips from the blog post @mikmoore linked to, I adapted some code I had like this:

function interpolate_ndimensional_array(A, coords, target_coords)
    dimensions = ndims(A)
    #locate lower corner
    lower_i = zeros(Int, dimensions) # this will store the value of the indices just below target_coords
    for j in 1:dimensions
        for i in 1:(length(coords[j])-1)
            if coords[j][i] <= target_coords[j] && coords[j][i+1] >= target_coords[j]
                lower_i[j] = i
    for i in lower_i
        if i==0
            return NaN

    #store values of array surrounding desired point
    corner_values = zeros(ntuple(_->2, dimensions)...)::Array{eltype(A),dimensions}
    for index in CartesianIndices(corner_values)
        original_array_index = ntuple(i->index[i]+lower_i[i]-1,dimensions)
        corner_values[index] = A[CartesianIndex(original_array_index)]

    # interpolate all pair of points across the first dimension, then repeat for
    # the second dimension using the interpolated points, and so on and so forth.
    for i in 1:dimensions
        xval1 = coords[i][lower_i[i]]
        xval2 = coords[i][lower_i[i]+1]
        xtarget = target_coords[i]
        # Example for a 3-D case (trilinear interpolation). In this case as we interpolate across
        # each dimension, we first need to do 4 interpolations, followed by 2 and then finally 1 last interpolation.

        # When i=1, it starts by interpolating all pairs of points
        # along the first dimension. index1 will iterate over CartesianIndices(1,2,2), meaning
        # that index1 will take the values (1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,2,1), (1,2,2).
        # Inside the for loop, we compute the indeces that correspond to points
        # with a different value on the first dimenison, index2= (2,1,1), (2,1,2), (2,2,1), (2,2,2).

        # The code will then interpolate corner_values(index1) and corner_values[index2] at the
        # desired value of the x-coordinate, target_coords[i], using the values at the edges,
        # grid_values[i,1] and grid_values[i,2]. The result of each interpolation is stored in
        # corner_values[index1] to avoid further allocations.

        # Next up, when i=2, index1 will iterate over CartesianIndices(1,1,2), meaning
        # that index1 will take the values (1,1,1) and (1,1,2), while index2 will take the
        # values (1,2,1) and (1,2,2). From the previous iteration, since we stored the interpolation
        # result in corner_values[index1], we have that each of these indeces corresponds to the following:
        # - corner_values[(1,1,1)...]: Interpolation of corner_values[(1,1,1)...] and corner_values[(2,1,1)...]
        # - corner_values[(1,1,2)...]: Interpolation of corner_values[(1,1,2)...] and corner_values[(2,1,2)...]
        # - corner_values[(1,2,1)...]: Interpolation of corner_values[(1,2,1)...] and corner_values[(2,2,1)...]
        # - corner_values[(1,2,2)...]: Interpolation of corner_values[(1,2,2)...] and corner_values[(2,2,2)...]
        # So, by interpolating (1,1,1) and (1,2,1) we are interpolating across the second dimension
        # the values that already resulted out of interpolation on the first dimension.

        # Finally, when i=3, index1 will iterate over CartesianIndices(1,1,1), meaning that it
        # will only take the value (1,1,1) and index2 will be (1,1,2). Interpolating these two will give
        # the final desired result, which is stored in corner_values[1,1,1]
        for index1 in CartesianIndices(ntuple(j->interpolator_index1_element(j,i),dimensions))
            index2 = CartesianIndex(ntuple(j->interpolator_index2_element(j,i, index1),dimensions))
            yval1 = corner_values[index1]
            yval2 = corner_values[index2]
            corner_values[index1] = yval1 +(yval2-yval1)*(xtarget-xval1)/(xval2-xval1)
    #return result of interpolation using linear indexing
    return corner_values[1]    

# utility functions used to produce tuples during "reduction"
function interpolator_index1_element(j,i)
    if j<= i
        return 1
    return 2
function interpolator_index2_element(j,i,index1)
    if j< i
        return 1
    elseif j==i
        return 2
    return index1[j]

Which lets me interpolate over the array and coordinates I created before

xvals = LinRange(0,1,100)
yvals = LinRange(0,1,100)
A_interp = zeros(100,100)
for i in eachindex(xvals)
    for j in eachindex(yvals)
        A_interp[i,j] = interpolate_ndimensional_array(A, coords, [xvals[i],yvals[j]])
heatmap(xvals, yvals, A_interp)


After optimizing this with your tips the calculation of one interpolation of this 2-d array takes 124 ns. This surely could be further optimized, as the bulk of this time is spent allocating some work arrays in the function. However in my particular application this is a negligible bottleneck as I am not simply checking an array with precomputed values but instead I have an array of pre-computed simulations from which I need to compute something at each node before doing the interpolation. Those evaluations make the ~120 nanosecond allocation cost just a small price to pay.