I have an ODESystem that I evolve using DifferentialEquations.jl and would like to improve the performance. Essentially, I create a reaction network using Catalyst.jl and iterate over many (density, temperature) points. For each point, I solve the same system of equations (15 species and 83 reactions). However, for many points (the use case has ~3 million), my code becomes quite slow and performs many allocations. Iβm not entirely sure what the bottleneck here is, or whether significant speed-up is possible. When solving for ~3 million points, the code takes about an hour to finish when the loop is parallelised over 4 threads.
I would also like to know how to avoid allocations in this case. My input file (density & temperature points) is 206 kB and the output file (final number densities of 15 species) is 1.3 MB. Yet a total of 369 MiB is allocated when solving the system. Is it possible to reduce this? Iβve added the relevant snippet of code and a sample @timeit output at the bottom (solved for 4200 points).
Relevant snippet:
function evolve_system(odesys, u0, tspan, p; prob=nothing)
if (isnothing(prob))
@timeit to "make problem" prob = ODEProblem(odesys, u0, tspan, p)
@timeit to "auto jac" de = modelingtoolkitize(prob)
@timeit to "autojac problem" prob = ODEProblem(de, [], tspan, jac=true)
@timeit to "1st solve" sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(); saveeverystep=false)
return prob, sol
@timeit to "remake problem" prob = remake(prob; u0=u0, p=p, tspan=tspan)
@timeit to "solve" return solve(prob, Rodas5(); saveeverystep=false)[end]
function run(to:: TimerOutput, odesys, iter, tspan, abundances)
# 'iter' contains (density, temperature) points
@timeit to "create array" number_densities = zeros(size(iter)[1], length(species(odesys)))
@timeit to "main run" begin
# First run
@timeit to "1st calc n" n = calculate_number_densities(iter[1, 1], abundances)
u0vals = [n[str_replace(s)] for s in species(odesys)]
u0 = Pair.(species(odesys), u0vals)
@timeit to "1st evolve system" prob, _ = evolve_system(odesys, u0, tspan, [iter[1, 2]]; prob=nothing)
# Loop
@inbounds for i in 1:size(iter)[1]
p = [iter[i, 2]]
@timeit to "calc n" n = calculate_number_densities(iter[i, 1], abundances)
u0 = [n[str_replace(s)] for s in species(odesys)]
@timeit to "evolve system" number_densities[i, :] = evolve_system(odesys, u0, tspan, p; prob=prob)
return number_densities
function postprocess_file(infile::String, outfile::String, odesys, tspan,
@timeit to "read rho-T file" arr = read_density_temperature_file(infile)
@timeit to "run" n = run(to, odesys, arr, tspan, abundances)
header = [str_replace(s) for s in species(odesys)]
@timeit to "create table" table = Tables.table(n; header=header)
@timeit to "write csv" CSV.write(outfile, table; delim=',')
function main(abundances::Dict, input_dir::String, output_dir::String,
@timeit to "read network file" rn = read_network_file(network_file)
@timeit to "setup odesys" odesys = convert(ODESystem, rn; combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
tspan = (1e-8, 1e6)
infile = "$(input_dir)/rho_T_test.csv"
outfile = "$(output_dir)/catalyst_test.csv"
@timeit to "postprocess file" postprocess_file(infile, outfile, odesys, tspan, abundances)
@show to
to = ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
Time Allocations
βββββββββββββββββββββββ ββββββββββββββββββββββββ
Tot / % measured: 80.0s / 86.0% 6.54GiB / 79.8%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
postprocess file 1 61.7s 89.8% 61.7s 4.69GiB 90.0% 4.69GiB
run 1 58.6s 85.3% 58.6s 4.32GiB 82.9% 4.32GiB
main run 1 58.1s 84.6% 58.1s 4.30GiB 82.4% 4.30GiB
1st evolve s... 1 45.4s 66.0% 45.4s 3.79GiB 72.7% 3.79GiB
1st solve 1 29.1s 42.4% 29.1s 2.66GiB 51.0% 2.66GiB
autojac pr... 1 6.42s 9.3% 6.42s 457MiB 8.6% 457MiB
auto jac 1 5.40s 7.9% 5.40s 346MiB 6.5% 346MiB
make problem 1 4.26s 6.2% 4.26s 340MiB 6.4% 340MiB
evolve system 4.20k 11.8s 17.1% 2.80ms 381MiB 7.1% 92.8KiB
solve 4.20k 11.5s 16.8% 2.75ms 369MiB 6.9% 90.1KiB
remake pro... 4.20k 822ΞΌs 0.0% 196ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
1st calc n 1 532ms 0.8% 532ms 44.5MiB 0.8% 44.5MiB
calc n 4.20k 106ms 0.2% 25.2ΞΌs 32.2MiB 0.6% 7.84KiB
create array 1 3.50ms 0.0% 3.50ms 493KiB 0.0% 493KiB
write csv 1 2.02s 2.9% 2.02s 311MiB 5.8% 311MiB
read rho-T file 1 509ms 0.7% 509ms 7.39MiB 0.1% 7.39MiB
create table 1 443ms 0.6% 443ms 54.7MiB 1.0% 54.7MiB
setup odesys 1 4.70s 6.8% 4.70s 358MiB 6.7% 358MiB
read network file 1 2.34s 3.4% 2.34s 177MiB 3.3% 177MiB
Thanks in advance and please let me know if I should include any other information! Happy to provide necessary files for reproducibility.