Quick update – got it working with a single CUDA kernel! Here’s the code.
(click to expand)
module DynamicExpressionsCUDAExt
#! format: off
using CUDA
using DynamicExpressions: OperatorEnum, AbstractExpressionNode
using DynamicExpressions.EvaluateEquationModule: get_nbin, get_nuna
using DynamicExpressions.AsArrayModule: as_array
import DynamicExpressions.EvaluateEquationModule: eval_tree_array
function eval_tree_array(
tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T}, gcX::CuArray{T,2}, operators::OperatorEnum; _...
) where {T<:Number}
(outs, is_good) = eval_tree_array((tree,), gcX, operators)
return (only(outs), only(is_good))
function eval_tree_array(
trees::NTuple{M,N}, gcX::CuArray{T,2}, operators::OperatorEnum; _...
) where {T<:Number,N<:AbstractExpressionNode{T},M}
(; val, execution_order, roots, buffer) = as_array(Int32, trees...)
num_launches = maximum(execution_order)
num_elem = size(gcX, 2)
num_nodes = size(buffer, 2)
## Floating point arrays:
gworkspace = CuArray{T}(undef, num_elem, num_nodes)
gval = CuArray(val)
## Index arrays (much faster to have `@view` here)
gbuffer = CuArray(buffer)
gdegree = @view gbuffer[1, :]
gfeature = @view gbuffer[2, :]
gop = @view gbuffer[3, :]
gexecution_order = @view gbuffer[4, :]
gidx_self = @view gbuffer[5, :]
gidx_l = @view gbuffer[6, :]
gidx_r = @view gbuffer[7, :]
gconstant = @view gbuffer[8, :]
num_threads = 256
num_blocks = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, num_elem * num_nodes / num_threads))
num_threads, num_blocks, num_launches, gworkspace,
# Thread info:
num_elem, num_nodes, gexecution_order,
# Input data and tree
operators, gcX, gidx_self, gidx_l, gidx_r,
gdegree, gconstant, gval, gfeature, gop,
out = ntuple(
i -> @view(gworkspace[:, roots[i]]),
is_good = ntuple(
i -> true, # Up to user to find NaNs
return (out, is_good)
function _launch_gpu_kernel!(
num_threads, num_blocks, num_launches::Integer, buffer::AbstractArray{T,2},
# Thread info:
num_elem::Integer, num_nodes::Integer, execution_order::AbstractArray{I},
# Input data and tree
operators::OperatorEnum, cX::AbstractArray{T,2}, idx_self::AbstractArray, idx_l::AbstractArray, idx_r::AbstractArray,
degree::AbstractArray, constant::AbstractArray, val::AbstractArray{T,1}, feature::AbstractArray, op::AbstractArray,
) where {I,T}
nuna = get_nuna(typeof(operators))
nbin = get_nbin(typeof(operators))
(nuna > 10 || nbin > 10) && error("Too many operators. Kernels are only compiled up to 10.")
gpu_kernel! = create_gpu_kernel(operators, Val(nuna), Val(nbin))
for launch in one(I):I(num_launches)
@cuda threads=num_threads blocks=num_blocks gpu_kernel!(
launch, num_elem, num_nodes, execution_order,
cX, idx_self, idx_l, idx_r,
degree, constant, val, feature, op
return nothing
# Need to pre-compute the GPU kernels with an `@eval` for each number of operators
# 1. We need to use an `@nif` over operators, as GPU kernels
# can't index into arrays of operators.
# 2. `@nif` is evaluated at parse time and needs to know the number of
# ifs to generate at that time, so we can't simply use specialization.
# 3. We can't use `@generated` because we can't create closures in those.
for nuna in 0:10, nbin in 0:10
@eval function create_gpu_kernel(operators::OperatorEnum, ::Val{$nuna}, ::Val{$nbin})
function (
# Storage:
# Thread info:
launch::Integer, num_elem::Integer, num_nodes::Integer, execution_order::AbstractArray,
# Input data and tree
cX::AbstractArray, idx_self::AbstractArray, idx_l::AbstractArray, idx_r::AbstractArray,
degree::AbstractArray, constant::AbstractArray, val::AbstractArray, feature::AbstractArray, op::AbstractArray,
i = (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
if i > num_elem * num_nodes
return nothing
node = (i - 1) % num_nodes + 1
elem = (i - node) ÷ num_nodes + 1
if execution_order[node] != launch
return nothing
cur_degree = degree[node]
cur_idx = idx_self[node]
if cur_degree == 0
if constant[node] == 1
cur_val = val[node]
buffer[elem, cur_idx] = cur_val
cur_feature = feature[node]
buffer[elem, cur_idx] = cX[cur_feature, elem]
if cur_degree == 1
cur_op = op[node]
l_idx = idx_l[node]
i -> i == cur_op,
i -> let op = operators.unaops[i]
buffer[elem, cur_idx] = op(buffer[elem, l_idx])
cur_op = op[node]
l_idx = idx_l[node]
r_idx = idx_r[node]
i -> i == cur_op,
i -> let op = operators.binops[i]
buffer[elem, cur_idx] = op(buffer[elem, l_idx], buffer[elem, r_idx])
return nothing
#! format: on
The key function is _launch_gpu_kernel
which actually launches the kernels. Basically, each launch
, it goes one up the tree to the next node that can be computed, and spawns all the threads to all (array elements) x (available nodes).
In gif form, the CUDA launches are like this:

And the threads which don’t compute anything simply quit early. This is about 30% faster than the initial naive version I tried. I’m assuming there’s remaining slowness due to me misusing some part of CUDA.jl, so any other tips much appreciated 
Also I want to note that this new attempt allows batching over expressions! So you can do, e.g.,
julia> eval_tree_array((tree1, tree2, tree3), X, operators)
and it will put them in one big array and work on them at the same time. So maybe this is a way to get your suggestion working @Raf – I need to find a way to batch evaluate over expressions.
Finally, here’s the profiling results:
julia> CUDA.@profile eval_tree_array(tree, X, operators)[1]
Profiler ran for 638.25 µs, capturing 376 events.
Host-side activity: calling CUDA APIs took 377.89 µs (59.21% of the trace)
│ Time (%) │ Total time │ Calls │ Time distribution │ Name │
│ 21.93% │ 139.95 µs │ 27 │ 5.18 µs ± 15.46 ( 1.43 ‥ 82.49) │ cuMemAllocFromPoolAsync │
│ 19.24% │ 122.79 µs │ 31 │ 3.96 µs ± 3.28 ( 2.62 ‥ 20.98) │ cuLaunchKernel │
│ 5.53% │ 35.29 µs │ 9 │ 3.92 µs ± 4.71 ( 2.15 ‥ 16.45) │ cuMemcpyHtoDAsync │
│ 2.69% │ 17.17 µs │ 1 │ │ cuMemcpyDtoHAsync │
│ 1.57% │ 10.01 µs │ 11 │ 910.33 ns ± 381.74 (476.84 ‥ 1668.93) │ cuStreamSynchronize │
Device-side activity: GPU was busy for 188.59 µs (29.55% of the trace)
│ Time (%) │ Total time │ Calls │ Time distribution │ Name ⋯
│ 21.52% │ 137.33 µs │ 14 │ 9.81 µs ± 1.72 ( 6.91 ‥ 12.87) │ _Z3_5913CuDeviceArrayI7Float32Li2ELi1EE5Int64S1_S_I4BoolLi1ELi1EES_IS0_Li2ELi1EES_I5Int32Li1ELi1EES_IS3_Li1ELi1EES_IS3_Li1ELi1EES_I5UInt8Li1ELi1EES_IS2_Li1ELi1EES_IS0_Li1ELi1EES_I6UInt16L ⋯
│ 4.41% │ 28.13 µs │ 14 │ 2.01 µs ± 0.12 ( 1.91 ‥ 2.15) │ _Z16broadcast_kernel15CuKernelContext13CuDeviceArrayI4BoolLi1ELi1EE11BroadcastedI12CuArrayStyleILi1EE5TupleI5OneToI5Int64EE2__S4_I8ExtrudedIS0_I5Int32Li1ELi1EES4_IS1_ES4_IS6_EES9_EES6_ ⋯
│ 1.91% │ 12.16 µs │ 9 │ 1.35 µs ± 0.12 ( 1.19 ‥ 1.43) │ [copy pageable to device memory] ⋯
│ 0.67% │ 4.29 µs │ 1 │ │ _Z22partial_mapreduce_grid8identity7add_sum7Float3216CartesianIndicesILi1E5TupleI5OneToI5Int64EEES2_ILi1ES3_IS4_IS5_EEE3ValILitrueEE13CuDeviceArrayIS1_Li2ELi1EE11BroadcastedI12CuArrayStyl ⋯
│ 0.41% │ 2.62 µs │ 1 │ │ _Z16broadcast_kernel15CuKernelContext13CuDeviceArrayI7Float32Li1ELi1EE11BroadcastedI12CuArrayStyleILi1EE5TupleI5OneToI5Int64EE1_S4_I8ExtrudedIS0_IS1_Li1ELi1EES4_I4BoolES4_IS6_EES1_EES6_ ⋯
│ 0.37% │ 2.38 µs │ 1 │ │ _Z15getindex_kernel15CuKernelContext13CuDeviceArrayI7Float32Li1ELi1EES0_IS1_Li2ELi1EE5TupleI5Int64S3_E5SliceI5OneToIS3_EES3_ ⋯
│ 0.26% │ 1.67 µs │ 1 │ │ [copy device to pageable memory] ⋯
1 column omitted
Edit: Improved some of the redundant allocations. Now I’m seeing the GPU have a 3x improvement in perf on even 1,000 element arrays.