Importing ThinkJulia

Hi, I’m learning some of Julia from “ThinkJulia” (Lauwens & Downey, O’reilly).
I’m using the shell in Want to try programming in Julia? and hangs when I do julia> using ThinkJulia. Does anyone know, why?

Not sure if this, this, or this online Julia is capable of loading all packages.
Another difficulty is that ThinkJulia.jl is not a registered package.

I can recommend this book and code.
You better go with a local (or portable, search discourse) Julia installation.

julia> ]

(@v1.7) pkg> add ThinkJulia
   Resolving package versions...
ERROR: expected package `ThinkJulia [a7f2b756]` to be registered

(@v1.7) pkg> add
    Updating git-repo ``
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… is capable of loading all packages.
Another difficulty is that “ThinkJulia” (…) is not a
registered package.

Precisely. It happened after a long effort of doing:

julia> import Pkg
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url=“GitHub - BenLauwens/ThinkJulia.jl: Port of the book Think Python to the Julia programming language”))

It didn’t work at the very beginning, maybe as you say because is not able of downloading and compiling some packages (crashed a lot building ImageMagick), however at the end returned the julia> prompt. So I tried ‘julia> using ThinkJulia’, and hung it.

Just wanted to know for a solution in this web page, if any.
The package “ThinkJulia” works properly since I loaded using a notebook, (not without difficulties), of “jupyter-org”
Works fine (though a little sluggish).

The question is just for learning to load it in the “julialang-org” site.
So sorry for being too terse posing the question but the chat allows only two links to the newcomers, and I wrote lots of them in the first (discarded) draft.

You better go with a local (or portable, search discourse) Julia installation.

Yes, at the end the better option. It is just I’m “tasting” the language for first time; nothing decided yet to use it like a real hobby or professional tool.

I appreciate the tips for emulators you wrote.