Implicit numerical method using NLsolve.jl

I would like to implement Lobatto IIIA-IIIB which is an implicit method. To do so, a non-linear equations need to be solved. Then I used NLsolve.jl for my problem

using NLsolve

function  NuMethod(fV::Function,fT::Function,x₀,y₀,h,N)
x=[] ; push!(x,x₀); y=[] ; push!(y,y₀);
A = [0  0  0 ; 5/24  1/3  -1/24 ; 1/6  2/3  1/6];   
B = [1/6  -1/6  0 ; 1/6 1/3  0 ; 1/6  5/6  0];    
b = [1/6 , 2/3 , 1/6] ;   
g(K,L) = vcat(
K[1] - fV(y₀+h*(B[1,1]*L[1]+B[1,2]*L[2]+B[1,3]*L[3])),
 K[2] - fV(y₀+h*(B[2,1]*L[1]+B[2,2]*L[2]+B[2,3]*L[3])),
 K[3] - fV(y₀+h*(B[3,1]*L[1]+B[3,2]*L[2]+B[3,3]*L[3])),
 L[1] - fT(x₀+h*(A[1,1]*K[1]+A[1,2]*K[2]+A[1,3]*K[3])),
 L[2] - fT(x₀+h*(A[2,1]*K[1]+A[2,2]*K[2]+A[2,3]*K[3])),
 L[3] - fT(x₀+h*(A[3,1]*K[1]+A[3,2]*K[2]+A[3,3]*K[3])))

g(v) = g(v[1:3],v[4:6]);     #  a function of a single argument
for i in 1:N;
ini_gauss = vcat(fV(y₀),fV(y₀),fV(y₀),fT(x₀),fT(x₀),fT(x₀))
r = nlsolve(g, ini_gauss)        
K =
x₀ = x₀ + h * ( b[1] * K[1] + b[2] * K[2] + b[3] * K[3]) ;  
y₀ = y₀ + h * ( b[1] * k[4] + b[2] * K[5] + b[3] * K[6]) ;  
push!(x,x₀) ; push!(y,y₀); # stock my solutions
  return stack(x, dims=1), stack(y, dims=1); # reformulate solutions to vectors

I would really like to use this code for any functions fV and fT single or multidimensional case. However, I always opposite the error that MethodError: no method matching +(::Vector{Float64}, ::Float64) For element-wise addition, use broadcasting with dot syntax: array .+ scalar

This is my test probelm

function fKeplerT(p) # fKeplerV = vector field to potentioal energy
return Qdot = [p[1] , p[2] , p[3]];

function fKeplerV(q)
r = (√(q'*q))^3;    
return Pdot = [-q[1]/r , -q[2]/r , -q[3]/r];

h=0.01; N=1000;  x₀ = [0.8 , 0.6 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0.5];

q₀=[x₀[1], x₀[2], x₀[3]];  p₀=[x₀[4], x₀[5], x₀[6]]; 

q,p = Lobatto_IIIA_IIIB(fKeplerT,fKeplerV,q₀,p₀,h,N);

Note that Labatto tableaus have a lot of structure to them and it’s really not ideal that you solve them like this.

Thanks, but it’s an implicit and this is one way to do that. isn’t?

You get the same error if you just evaluate g on ini_gauss, so that needs to be corrected.