Hi Guys!,
I’m trying to an ODE system using implicit RK method. Defining the following system
\dot q_i=p_i,\quad \dot p_i = -\frac{q_i}{||q||^3} and here q,p\in \mathbb R^3. I’m using this code
using NLsolve
function RK(f::Function,g::Function,t₀,tf,q₀,p₀,N)
h = (tf-t₀)/N;
a = [0 0 0 ; 5/24 1/3 -1/24 ; 1/6 2/3 1/6];
â = [1/6 -1/6 0 ; 1/6 1/3 0 ; 1/6 5/6 0];
b = [1/6 , 2/3 , 1/6] ;
q=[] ; push!(q,q₀); p=[] ; push!(p,p₀);
function k_stage!(F,ℓ,q₀,p₀)
F[1] = ℓ[1] .- g(q₀ .+ h * (â[1,1] * ℓ[4] + â[1,2] * ℓ[5] + â[1,3] * ℓ[6]));
F[2] = ℓ[2] .- g(q₀ .+ h * (â[2,1] * ℓ[4] + â[2,2] * ℓ[5] + â[2,3] * ℓ[6]));
F[3] = ℓ[3] .- g(q₀ .+ h * (â[3,1] * ℓ[4] + â[3,2] * ℓ[5] + â[3,3] * ℓ[6]));
F[4] = ℓ[4] .- f(p₀ .+ h * (a[1,1] * ℓ[1] + a[1,2] * ℓ[2] + a[1,3] * ℓ[3]));
F[5] = ℓ[5] .- f(p₀ .+ h * (a[2,1] * ℓ[1] + a[2,2] * ℓ[2] + a[2,3] * ℓ[3]));
F[6] = ℓ[6] .- f(p₀ .+ h * (a[3,1] * ℓ[1] + a[3,2] * ℓ[2] + a[3,3] * ℓ[3]));
for i=1:N;
res = nlsolve((F,ℓ) -> k_stage!(F,ℓ,q₀,p₀), rand(6));
k = res.zero
q₀ = q₀ + (h/6) * (k[1]+2*k[2]+k[3]);
p₀ = p₀ + (h/6) * (k[4]+2*k[5]+k[6]);
push!(q,q₀); push!(p,p₀);
return t, q, p;
I opposite an error when applying the above code for the following problem
function f(p)
return Qdot = [p[1] , p[2] , p[3]];
function g(q)
r = (√(q'*q))^3;
return Pdot = [q[1]/r , q[2]/r , q[3]/r];
t₀=0; tf=100; N=1000; x₀ = [0.8 , 0.6 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0.5];
q₀=[x₀[1], x₀[2], x₀[3]]; p₀=[x₀[4], x₀[5], x₀[6]];