IJulia initial installation to Anaconda completely blocked due to 'libcurl' deficiency

I’m behind a proxy server. As a student getting into Julia, I find it impossible to install Anaconda such that IJulia can be installed. Even from IJulia on the command line, there appears to be no possible way to get around having the proxy server. Error messages on attempting to install mention “GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:Net, curl error: Unsupported proxy ‘https://(user name):(password)@(proxy IP address):(port number)’, libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support.)”
I’ve deleted my actual password, proxy address & port number of course. ‘libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support’.

This deficiency has slammed the door SHUT for any new learners attempting to use a Anaconda JupyterLabs or Jupyter Notebooks setup from instaling IJulia. I’ve literally been a month attempting to handle this so that I can do my online course. I’m very persistent but this is a total brick wall. Does anyone know how to get over this canyon-chasm so that I can use this environment to learn Julia programming? I’ve written to Julia organization repeatedly without even the slightest response - not even a picture of a door slammed in my face. Note that this does not appear to be a very warm welcome for a new learner seeking to become a pro Julia developer. This is on Linux, debian distro called MX Linux. Have no problem at all installing Anaconda and the JupyterLabs app.


I don’t think that Julia Organization is meant to deal with such topics, but this forum definitely is. Looking through the Issues on IJulia I found this issue, which resembles your problem and contains a solution, albeit a hacky one:

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You could use nteract instead of jupyter (…no need to install Anaconda/Python). The IJulia repository has instructions.

I find it impossible to install Anaconda such that IJulia can be installed.

I’m confused — installing IJulia does not require Anaconda. Are you getting this error message when you do add IJulia at the pkg> prompt, or when you are installing Anaconda? What version of Julia are you using?

Have no problem at all installing Anaconda and the JupyterLabs app.

Once you install IJulia, it should be usable with any Jupyter or JupyterLab installed on your computer, so I’m again confused about your difficulty “installing Anaconda”.