IJulia in 1.7 fails on Mac M1: Solved!

Try reading the documentation of Conda.jl

Using Miniforge

Miniforge is a community based conda installer by conda-forge, a part of NumFOCUS.
Using miniforge and conda-forge in general avoids using repo.anaconda.com
maintained by Anaconda, Inc which has terms of conditions that you may want to avoid.
conda-forge packages are hosted on anaconda.org, but Anaconda, Inc has been
providing hosting for free under the terms of conda-forge which is BSD-3-Clause
on top of the original license of the software packages. To use miniforge, use
the CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE environment variable.


pkg> build Conda

Also note that you have to use Miniforge for aarch64-linux-gnu and
aarch64-apple-darwin platforms as Miniconda is not available for those platforms yet.

This is actually the default in the master branch of Conda.jl, but it didn’t make it to a release yet