How to weight a normalized histogram in Plots

I would like to plot a joint distribution as two normalized histograms. One distribution has a weight w and the other has a weight 1-w. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to apply the weight to a normalized histogram.

using Plots, Distributions
y = rand(Normal(0, 1), 10_000)
w = .5
histogram(y, norm=true, weights=fill(w, 10_000))

The density does not change with the weights. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I think the problem is that it is normed after the weights are applied. Does anyone know of a work around?

Fortunately, the data can be accessed from the plot object and modified. It was just difficult to find.

using Plots, Distributions

y = rand(Normal(0, 1), 10_000)

w = .5

p = histogram(y, norm=true)

p[1][1][:y] .*= w
