julia_version=$(julia --version | awk '{print($3)}')
if test -f "kps-image-${julia_major}.so"; then
mv bin/kps-image-${julia_major}.so kps-image-${julia_major}.so.bak
Yes. I have two scripts, one that creates the system image, and one the starts Julia with the correct parameter to make use of the system image.
But because the system image works only with a specific Julia version I include the version number in the image name. In this way I can switch between different Julia versions and it always loads the correct system image.
@echo off
C:\Users\ngudat\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.2\bin\julia.exe %*
(I have no idea how any of this works, just copy pasted from somewhere on the internet - I believe the %* at the end might be responsible for passing along arguments?)
Note, Julialang has a Wine label, so they want it to work, but as you can see it’s a problem with (upstream) wine, not Julia. It would always be a problem with wine, as it’s responsible for the conversion from Windows API.
Conversely, Linux Julia builds work in WSL [2], and again there might be bugs in Windows WSL, but I find it more likely to work, since they’re not trying to support a huge kernel API, that is a moving target, or rather it is, but they have the Linux kernel so not reimplementing from scratch. I understand Julia under WSL can sometimes be faster tan the native Windows Julia build (but that’s a problem with the Windows API not Julia).
I’ve been copying mine version-after-version and some (all?) of it is no longer necessary but it was at a certain time. This oi what I have
@ echo off
call C:\programs\WPy64-31020\env2.bat
set pato=C:\programs\ImageMagick;C:\MinGW64\msys64\usr\bin;C:\MinGW64\mingw64\bin;
set path=%pato%;%path%
C:\programs\julia-1.8\bin\julia.exe --sysimage-native-code=yes
Finished my translation (fully tested, but only works if your package is registered):
@echo off
REM This script creates a julia system image with a name that
REM contains the Julia version, e.g. kps-image-1.7.dll
REM It should be placed in the bin folder of the project.
REM It assumes that the following files exist:
REM test/update_packages.jl
REM test/create_sys_image.jl
REM determine basename of current directory
for /F "delims=" %%i in ("%cd%") do set basename=%%~ni
if %basename%==bin cd ..
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('julia --version') do set version_string=%%i
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("%version_string%") do set version=%%a
set julia_major=%version:~0,3%
set image=kps-image-%julia_major%.dll
IF EXIST "bin/%image%" (
move bin/kps-image-%julia_major%.dll bin/kps-image-%julia_major%.so.bak
echo Updating packages...
if EXIST "Manifest.toml" (
move Manifest.toml Manifest.toml.bak
julia --project -e "include(\"./test/update_packages.jl\");"
julia --project -e "using Pkg; Pkg.precompile()"
julia --project -e "include(\"./test/create_sys_image.jl\");"
move kps-image_tmp.so bin/kps-image-%julia_major%.dll
julia --project -e "using Pkg; Pkg.precompile()"
I thought about it, but I also need a script to launch Julia in the first place, so I also need to rewrite this bash script:
if [[ $(basename $(pwd)) == "bin" ]]; then
cd ..
julia_version=$(julia --version | awk '{print($3)}')
export EDITOR="gedit"
if test -f "bin/kps-image-${julia_major}.so"; then
echo "Found system image!"
julia -J bin/kps-image-${julia_major}.so -t 1 --project
julia --project
And if I would replace this script with a Julia script, I guess latency and memory consumption would be significantly higher.
Finally, you cannot fully replace bash or bat or whatever scripts to start Julia itself because if you want to start Julia with parameters you need a script. This would become unnecessary only if Julia
would allow to use a config file to configure the launch options
and Julia would be able to load a version specific system image automatically
Here the translation of the run_julia script to .bat for Windows users:
@echo off
REM This script launches julia and loads a version specific
REM system image from the folder bin if it exists.
REM The name of the system image must be similar to
REM kps-image-1.7.dll
REM It launches julia with one thread.
REM determine basename of current directory
for /F "delims=" %%i in ("%cd%") do set basename=%%~ni
if %basename%==bin cd ..
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('julia --version') do set version_string=%%i
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("%version_string%") do set version=%%a
set julia_major=%version:~0,3%
set image=kps-image-%julia_major%.dll
set EDITOR="code"
IF EXIST "bin/%image%" (
echo Found system image!
julia -J bin/kps-image-%julia_major%.so -t 1 --project
) else julia --project
Why is that easier than just running a Julia script (which can launch additional Julia processes as needed, see below)?
Surely any differences here are negligible compared to the cost of creating a system image.
Sure you can:
julia> run(`$(joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Sys.iswindows() ? "julia.exe" : "julia")) --version`)
julia version 1.7.1
Process(`/Applications/Julia-1.7.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia --version`, ProcessExited(0))
You can literally do everything in Julia that you would do in a shell script (except more easily and portably), including launching additional julia processes, with the added advantage that Julia knows its own path.