How to make xlabelvisible = false in AoG

Imagine I have this figure:

df = (; name = ["Anna", "Beatrix", "Claire"], height_meters = [1.55, 1.76, 1.63])
m = mapping(:name, :height_meters)
spec1 = data(df) * m * visual(BarPlot)

f = Figure()
draw!(f[1, 1], spec1)

How to get rid of xlabels?

this should give u most options

using AlgebraOfGraphics, GLMakie

df = (; name = ["Anna", "Beatrix", "Claire"], height_meters = [1.55, 1.76, 1.63])
m = mapping(:name, :height_meters)
spec1 = data(df) * m * visual(BarPlot)

f = Figure()
plt = draw!(f[1, 1], spec1)
hidexdecorations!(plt[1,1].axis, ticks=false, ticklabels=false, label=true)