The code
using DataFrames
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
df1 = DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = (1:10).^2, parameter = 1)
df2 = DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = 1.1*(1:10).^2, parameter = 2)
df = [df1; df2]
aogplt = data(df) * mapping(:x,:y, color=:parameter) * visual(Lines)
fg = draw(aogplt)
save("/tmp/aog-example.png", fg)
plots a fake dataset in which different values of paramter
produce slightly different results. That code produces
The two parameter values are joined up by the straight line going back to (1,1)! How can I get rid of that line?
June 21, 2023, 4:58pm
Try color = :parameter => nonnumeric
, that function signals that the column should be interpreted as categorical even though it’s numeric (that’s why you have a continuous colorbar)
This works, but unfortunately in my application the parameter is numeric, and I do want a continuous colorbar. (It’s is a simulation precision parameter that I’m tuning towards an exact calculation.)
Maybe a better example would be this code
using DataFrames
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
dfs = [DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = α*(1:10).^2, parameter = α) for α = 1.0:0.1:1.5]
df = Float32.(vcat(dfs...))
aogplt = data(df) * mapping(:x,:y, color= :parameter ) * visual(Lines)
fg = draw(aogplt)
save("/tmp/aog-example-colorbar.png", fg)
aogplt = data(df) * mapping(:x,:y, color= :parameter => nonnumeric) * visual(Lines)
fg = draw(aogplt)
save("/tmp/aog-example-nonnumeric.png", fg)
The nonnumeric plot looks like this:
and the colorbar’d plot looks like this:
(sorry for the multiple replies; per discourse I’m a new user and am only allowed to upload one image per post)
You can add NaN
to the end of the data for each line:
dfs = [DataFrame(x = [1:10; Inf], y = [α*(1:10).^2; NaN], parameter = α) for α = 1.0:0.1:1.5]
June 22, 2023, 5:47am
You can use group = :columnname
where that column splits the data into groups while leaving color etc. intact. In your example you’d reuse the color column
Ah, nice, I did not know about that option! That is much easier .
This isn’t working for me:
using DataFrames
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
dfs = [DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = α*(1:10).^2, parameter = α) for α = 1.0:0.1:1.5]
df = Float32.(vcat(dfs...))
aogplt = data(df) * mapping(:x,:y, color = :parameter, group=:parameter) * visual(Lines)
fg = draw(aogplt)
save("/tmp/aog-example-group.png", fg)
Are there docs I can read on this group
argument? (I’m on AoG v0.6.16, FWIW.)
June 22, 2023, 11:28am
Maybe you need group = :parameter => nonnumeric
? Not sure why it wouldn’t work otherwise, that group
setting is used in the tutorial even.
Did you try this by karlroyen?
You can add NaN to the end of the data for each line:
dfs = [DataFrame(x = [1:10; Inf], y = [α*(1:10).^2; NaN], parameter = α) for α = 1.0:0.1:1.5]
I missed that under Jules’ reply. That does indeed work—thanks for nudging me about it, and thanks to @karlroyen .
@jules —indeed, group = :parameter => nonnumeric
does it. I think that’s the solution.