sorry for my poor english.
In vscode when I hove on svd function,it display a window about function instruction,I get this
svd!(A; full::Bool = false, alg::Algorithm = default_svd_alg(A)) -> SVD
svd! is the same as svd, but saves space by overwriting the input A, instead of creating a copy. See documentation of svd for details. ```
svd!(A, B) -> GeneralizedSVD
svd! is the same as svd, but modifies the arguments A and B in-place, instead of making copies. See documentation of svd for details. ```
LinearAlgebra.svd! is a Function. 4 methods for function LinearAlgebra.svd!
svd!(A::LinearAlgebra.AbstractTriangular where S<:Core.AbstractArray where T where T) in LinearAlgebra at `D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\triangular.jl:2672`
svd!(A::Union{Core.DenseArray,Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.SubArray where L where I<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T}}) in LinearAlgebra at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\svd.jl:93
svd!(A::Union{Core.DenseArray,Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.SubArray where L where I<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T}}, B::Union{Core.DenseArray,Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T},Base.SubArray where L where I<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.ReshapedArray where MI<:Core.Tuple where A<:Union{Base.ReinterpretArray where S where A<:Union{Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Base.SubArray where I<:Union{Core.Tuple,Core.Tuple} where A<:Core.DenseArray where N where T where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T} where N where T,Core.DenseArray where N where T}}) in LinearAlgebra at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\svd.jl:363
svd!(M::LinearAlgebra.Bidiagonal where V<:Core.AbstractArray where #s823<:Union{Core.Float32,Core.Float64}) in LinearAlgebra at D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\bidiag.jl:202
why there is the red color text link “D:\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.5\LinearAlgebra\src\triangular.jl:2672”
in my computer ,there no such directory d:\buildbot\worker\package-win64\build
when I click this link, can’t not open this link.
How can I link to the correct src file position in vscode