How to get the reference to a text object in GLMakie

I’m working on an application where you see locations in a map. Each location has a particular name created with the text! function. I now want to click in the ‘geo space’ on the text and with pick I want to get the reference to the text object. It comes close and things like mouseposition etc work. Also the idx works whether I click on the first or the third character. But I would love to see that the ptxt (from pick) is the same as the originally created text! object. What am I doing wrong? Or are there easier ways to do this?

using GLMakie

function start_mouse(ax, bx, vtxt)
    on(events(ax).mousebutton) do e
        ptxt, idx = pick(ax, events(ax).mouseposition[])
        if (is_mouseinside(ax))
            mp = events(ax).mouseposition[]
            bx.text = string(mp[1]) * "  " * string(mp[2]) * 
                     "\n" * string(idx) * 
                     "\n" * string(ptxt) * 
                     "\n" * string(vtxt)

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
bx = Label(fig[2,1])
bx.text = "Start"
bx.tellwidth = false
v_text = text!(ax, 5.0, 5.0, text="Hello")

start_mouse(ax, bx, v_text)
