How to get empty markers, Plots, gr() backend

Because I knew you would not be happy see code below, adapted from this great Plots.jl solution.

Plots.jl gr() code
using Plots; gr()

circle(x, y, r) = Plots.Shape(r*sind.(0:10:360) .+ x, r*cosd.(0:10:360) .+ y)

M = rand(12,2)
circles = circle.([M[:,1], M[:,2]]..., (0.02,))
p = plot(M[:,1], M[:,2], ls=:dot, c=:red, framestyle=:box, grid=false)
plot!(circles, ratio=1, fc=:transparent, lc=:darkred, lw=1, label=false)
scatter!([-1e16], [circles[1].y[1]], mc=:white, msc=:darkred, lw=1, label="I am transparent!",
         xlims=Plots.xlims(p), ylims=Plots.ylims(p))