I have matrices which contain x,y,z data on a triangular grid. In other words, each column of x,y,z correspond to points on a different triangle, so that when you plot the matrices together, they give a surface plot over the entire grid.
I can produce a surface plot using “scatter(x,y,z,zcolor=z,camera=(0,90))”, but end up with outlines of the triangles in the plot.
This phenomena appears to be related to whitespace around markers when using the GR() plots backend. Since it’s unstructured data, I’m using scatter with settings
It might be a version issue. I remember seeing white borders with a recent edition of Plots.jl; maybe 0.28.4? I remember I could not change the white border regardless of what I did.
But using Julia 1.3.0, Plots 0.29.1, and GR 0.46.0 and the following code:
using Plots
x = randn(1000);
testplot = scatter(x,markershape=:circle, legend=false);
savefig(testplot, "marker_border_test.png")