Hi all, I have the following question.
Assume that we have integer-valued N >=1 objects such that E_1,…,E_N. Each E_i takes a number between 1 and N, allowing for duplicates.
Let f be a function and X_1,…,X_N be N real numbers.
I want to calculate, for i<j, Σ_{i,j:Ei≠Ej} f(X_E_i)×f(X_E_j)
Any ideas?
Hi @Shoutu
I’m unsure if this is homework or if you are a complete beginner…
In any case, here is something to get you started:
n = 10
e = rand(1:n, n)
@show e
should help you with E
and reading the documentation you should be able to construct X
. For the main part you need to fill in the ??? parts of
f(e, x, k) = ???
@show sum(??? for j in 1:n for i in 1:j-1)
then. HTH
Please show us what you have tried after reading the documentation as @goerch suggested, and people here can help you if you get stuck at some point.
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