How to correctly update a package?

I had a directory downloaded from Github.

Previously, I can run the example codes in the directory. But yesterday, I noticed that they had a latest version of the package. So I updated the package

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.update("name of the package")

But I then encountered a problem with their new example script. I got

ERROR: UndefVarError: `default_starting_vector` not defined
 [1] top-level scope
   @ c:\Users\jmzhang\Downloads\Rimu.jl-develop (2)\Rimu.jl-develop\scripts\BHM-example.jl:48

Here the new function is not recognized. What is the problem?

Which package? Which example script? Which Julia version are you using?

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I guess I figured it out.

I shut down my vscode and then restarted it. Now it works.

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