How to compute expoents using JuMP?

I’m trying to compute the best parameters of a surface using JuMP, a very basic example is:

# variables
x = linspace(1,4,100);
y = linspace(1,4,100);
# surface
U = [10 - x[i].^2 + y[j].^-2 for i=1:100, j=1:100]
# test surface
p = [10 -1.0 2.0 1.0 -2.0] + rand(1,5)
Umin = [p[1] + p[2]*x[i].^p[3] + p[4]*y[j].^p[5] for i=1:100, j=1:100] ;
# fitness parameter
minimizeit = sum(sum(abs.(U.-Umin)))

My goal is to write a code to compute all values of p - even the exponents. I’ve tried JuMP

m = Model(solver=CbcSolver())
@defVar(m, Inf <= p1 <= Inf)
@defVar(m, Inf <= p2 <= Inf)
@defVar(m, 0 <= p3 <= 3)
@defVar(m, Inf <= p4 <= Inf)
@defVar(m, -3 <= p5 <= 0)

@setObjective(m, Min, begin
                        Umin = [p1 + p2*x[i].^p3 + p4*y[j].^p5 for i=1:100, j=1:100] ;
                        return minimizeit = sum(sum(abs.(U.-Umin)))

I get a message:MethodError: no method matching ^(::Float64, ::JuMP;Variable)
How can I handle this issue ?

Thank you

Could you quote your code in the future? It makes it easier for people to run your code, and increases your chances of getting a quick response.

You seem to be using a very old version of JuMP (@defVar hasn’t been a thing for a long time). Which version of JuMP are you on? Which version of Julia are you on? FYI it’s not recommended to install Julia via apt-get as it’s changing so quickly (just a guess); just download 0.6.2 from Download Julia.

JuMP doesn’t define ^(::Float64, ::JuMP.Variable). This is because the ‘default’ interface (using @expression, @objective, and @constraint in the latest version of JuMP) only supports affine and quadratic expressions. Using a JuMP.Variable as the exponent cannot result in such an expression. you may want to use @NLexpression /@NLobjective/@NLconstraint instead

  1. I totally forgot about markdown codes when writing, sorry.

2): I’ve never used JuMP, I’ve just copied and past some code that Google showed me and worked, this is the reason of @defVar. My Julia version is 0.6.0 and JuMP is 0.18.1.

  1. The same erros exists with NLexpressions
# variables
x = linspace(1,4,100);
y = linspace(1,4,100);
# surface
U = [10 - x[i].^2 + y[j].^-2 for i=1:100, j=1:100]

m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver())
@variable(m, Inf <= p1 <= Inf)
@variable(m, Inf <= p2 <= Inf)
@variable(m, 0 <= p3 <= 3)
@variable(m, Inf <= p4 <= Inf)
@variable(m, -3 <= p5 <= 0)
@NLobjective(m, Min, begin
                        Umin = [p1 + p2*x[i].^p3 + p4*y[j].^p5 for i=1:100, j=1:100] ;

I’ve tried LsqFit.jl , and it only works to find positive exponents. If someone could knows how to make a proper modification to compute negative exponents, this topic can finish.

using LsqFit
function model(xx,p) 
    x = xx[1,:];
    y = xx[2,:];
    (p[1] + p[2]*x.^p[3] + p[4]*y.^p[5])[:]

x = linspace(1,4,100);
y = linspace(1,4,100);
X = [x y]';
Params = [10, 1.0, 2.0,1.0,2.0];
errors = 0.01*randn(100);
Y = model(X, Params) .+ errors;

fit = curve_fit(model, X, Y, rand(5));

It’s not completely clear to me what’s going wrong in the NLobjective macro, but it seems to be confused (you may want to open an issue about the confusing error message). The following works:

using JuMP
using Ipopt

# variables
n = 100
x = linspace(1,4,n);
y = linspace(1,4,n);
# surface
U = [10 - x[i]^2 + y[j]^-2 for i=1:n, j=1:n] # no need to use .^ here

m = Model(solver=IpoptSolver())
@variable(m, p1) # used to be Inf <= p1 <= Inf
@variable(m, p2) # used to be Inf <= p2 <= Inf
@variable(m, 0 <= p3 <= 3)
@variable(m, p4) # used to be Inf <= p4 <= Inf
@variable(m, -3 <= p5 <= 0)

# create an array of scalar expressions for Umin
@NLexpression(m, Umin[i=1:n, j=1:n], p1 + p2*x[i]^p3 + p4*y[j]^p5) # again, no need to use .^ here

# use Umin in @NLobjective
@NLobjective(m, Min, sum(abs(U[i, j] - Umin[i, j]) for i = 1 : n, j = 1 : n))

Note that the sum used in @NLobjective works the same as in the linear/quadratic interface, i.e. its syntax is different from regular Base.sum.

I tried it for n = 20, and it seems to be running into the user iteration limit though.

Edit: adding more restrictive bounds on p1, p2, and p4 (e.g. between -10 and 10) and changing abs(U[i, j] - Umin[i, j]) to (U[i, j] - Umin[i, j])^2 at least makes Ipopt converge.

Thank you, it works :grinning:

Just to me understand properly the syntax. In this line

@NLexpression(m, Umin[i=1:n, j=1:n], p1 + p2*x[i]^p3 + p4*y[j]^p5)

You are creating a matrix Umin of the type JuMP.Variable, then you are defining their elements with a vector expression. We don’t need to write i and j inside for loops because @NLexpression can handle this once we define them as iterators.

Am I right ?

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Yes, except that the element type of Umin is JuMP.NonlinearExpression.