I have the NLP below that I want to solve with JuMP. The problem transforms the original time-series x_t into a new time-series x'_t with a different integral but the same shape and extremes. The objective function minimizes the difference between the integral of the transformed time-series and a target value. The first constraint defines the transformation based on the three variables \alpha,\beta and \gamma. Finally, the last two constraints fix the extreme values of the transformed time-series.
min (u -\sum_t x'_t)^2
x'_t = \alpha \cdot x_t^\beta + \gamma \forall t
x'_{t_{min}} = a_{min}
x'_{t_{max}} = a_{max}
My current Julia code looks like this:
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
% define transformation variables
exp_var = @variable(model, exp, lower_bound = 0.0, upper_bound = 1000, start = rand(0:25))
multi_var = @variable(model, multi, lower_bound = 0.0, upper_bound = 1000, start = rand(0:25))
add_var = @variable(model, add, lower_bound = -1000, upper_bound = 1000, start = rand(-25:25))% define time-series variable
scaledTs_var = @variable(model, tSteps[1:numSteps])% definition of transformed time-series
@NLconstraint(model, def[i = 1:numSteps], scaledTs_var[i] == multi_var * ts_arr[i]^exp_var + add_var)% enforce extremes
@constraint(model, minVal, scaledTs_var[minStep_int] == min_fl)
@constraint(model, maxVal, scaledTs_var[maxStep_int] == max_fl)% set objective
@objective(model, Min, (sum(scaledTs_var)- utz_fl)^2)
However, this formulation is not really robust and frequently the solver fails. I used to solve this with GAMS and learned that most NLP solvers handle this problem much better if I just substitute the transformed time-series in the problem like this:
min (u - \sum_t (\alpha \cdot x_t^\beta + \gamma))^2
\alpha \cdot x_{t_{min}} ^\beta + \gamma = a_{min}
\alpha \cdot x_{t_{max}} ^\beta + \gamma = a_{max}
The problem is that in Julia I can’t sum the exponential expressions in the objective function.
@objective(model, Min, (sum(map(i → multi_var * ts_arr[i]^exp_var + add_var,1:numSteps))- utz_fl)^2)
The code above just returns:
blocks are not supported in nonlinear macros. The nonlinear expression must be a single statement.