How to change the artifact path temporarily?

I am trying to download some matrices from SuiteSparseMatrixCollection and it always downloads it to C:\Users\username\.julia\artifacts . Is it possible to download it to the current project directory by temporarily changing the artifact path? I checked online and found artifact could be related but could not figure it out how.


using Krylov, MatrixMarket, SuiteSparseMatrixCollection
ssmc = ssmc_db(verbose=false)
matrix = ssmc_matrices(ssmc, “HB”, “bcsstk09”)
path = fetch_ssmc(matrix, format=“MM”)

A = MatrixMarket.mmread(joinpath(path[1], “$([1]).mtx”))

I think that you can change the folder with the following environment variable:


or directly in Julia:


I am using vs code under windows. Seems not working. I also tried to set

I tested today and the correct solution is to set the environment variable JULIA_DEPOT_PATH before starting Julia.

export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="/home/alexis/tmp"

We can’t do that directly from Julia with ENV.

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