I’ve built some data structures on Vectors, and now realize I should be using views instead. The problem is that I need indexing operations to return another container. How do I modify my struct definitions to achieve this? Example:
struct Container{T}
# other code requires that container[idx] returns another container:
Base.getindex(c::Container{T}, idx) where {T}= Container{T}(c.box[idx])
My first thought (after google searching failed) was to attempt to abstract over the vector type:
struct Container{A,T}
thinking I could recover the original struct with c=Container{Vector,T}, but this gives an error I don’t understand:
ERROR: TypeError: in Type{...} expression, expected UnionAll, got a value of type TypeVar
I suppose the larger question is: How does one write datatypes with generic arrays? Thanks!
If it supports getindex, possibly struct Container{T} should be a subtype of AbstractVector? Then the caller can use @views to do slicing with views and it will create a SubArray{Container}.
Alternatively, you can declare it as:
struct Container{T<:AbstractVector}
and then you can just store a view (SubArray) if you want:
It seems that you just want to use AbstractVector instead of vector:
struct Foo{T}
v:: AbstractVector{T}
v = [1,2,3]
x = Foo(v)
y = Foo(@view v[2:3])
Edit: just for the records, this is not a good idea because fields with abstract types lead to performance losses, as pointed below (and above, implicitly). Honestly I made a confusion at that moment in which I imagined (wrongly) that the instance of the struct would assume the specific type of the value used in the generator (as functions specialize for them). Of course it does not.
Having an abstract field type like that will significantly harm performance. Instead, you can do:
struct Foo{T, V <: AbstractVector{T}}
if you want the element type T to be an explicit type parameter.
Also note that this isn’t strictly necessary. You can use @stevengj’s suggestion and implement Base.eltype for your Container with no loss of performance or expressiveness.
Thanks; exactly what I was looking for! And placing the new type parameter at the tail of the Foo{…} signature, as you showed, obviated any changes to the calling code. This made it trivial to use views instead of Vectors, my ultimate goal.