How to best learn Julia 1.0?

There are a lot of Julia tutorials and even a remarkable number of published references and even printed books. But aren’t most of the resources significantly obsolete or deprecated with the release of 0.7 aka 1.0?

What are the best and most up-to-date learning resources as of June 2018?

The manual is always up to date, and is continuously getting enriched with examples and notes on usage, so it reads less like a reference and more like an intro textbook.

In case you find that something is not clear, you can also request clarification in an issue or open a pull request, helping to make it better.

I find that rereading the manual from time to time is very helpful. Some sections make more sense with some perspective, and I continuously learn about new library functions.


I agree with this completely as a general rule (both about reading it and re -reading it. However, I’d add that sometimes the manual itself is a little hard to learn from - as a small example, yesterday I was trying to figure out the right way to accomplish a task with arrays. I spent a lot of time looking over functions in the sections directly on arrays, before I figured out the required functionality was actually described in the section in linear algebra.

What I’d appreciate as a newcomer is some reference material that is focussed more on computational tasks that would link back to the manual for detailed documentation.

One great reference I found extremely useful in better understanding the logic of Julia and how to design code was the following blog post:

Yeah, that’s certainly important and useful. There’s not much out there for Julia v0.7/1.0 because they simply haven’t existed for very long. All the Julia blogging I’ve done has been with v0.5 and v0.6, but everything I do in the future will be v0.7/1.0.

As @ChrisRackauckas often says, the best time to document something is right after you’ve learned it for the first time, because only then do you actually remember what was hard and what you didn’t know. The application of this principle here is that you are the single most qualified person in the world right now to write the material on accomplishing the task you just learned. You can write a blog post, get it linked on the JuliaBloggers aggregator, and become a useful reference forever.


I am trying to collect the snippets as I am learning julia myself, and to systematically put down what I am learning into as I am learning it.

alas, I am stuck in 0.6->0.7 hell at the moment. I need to wait until the basic packages (like distributions.jl) are installable on 0.7, so that I can systematically go through the cookbook and update each chapter.


Absolutely true! Digestion takes time.

I wish the Julia Team would enable Wiki in Julia Repository.
Then I think all this should belong there.
The nice think about Wiki in GitHub it doesn’t require all this Push & Pull.

I think they are doing a pretty good job. their purpose is systematic docs. my cookbook is just a little different. I also am the one ultimately responsible for it, not the general public…which always runs the risk of abandonment or not knowing who is responsible for what or squabbles.
