How to Animate Solid of Revolution from SemiCircle to Torus?

Hi all,

I want to know how to create animation, from semicircle become cone then torus like this? So People can imagine how it looks like.

Capture d’écran_2022-12-27_12-33-37

This is called Solids of Revolution: Method of Disks. When a plane region revolved about a fixed line.

I created the copy with Tikz not with Julia:


		% big circle
		\draw(2,-1) arc (-90:90:2.5 and 2);% half circle facing left
		\draw(2,-1) arc (-90:90:-2.5 and 2);% half circle facing right
		% left circle
		\draw (0.33,-0.5) arc (-90:90:-0.25 and 1.5);% left half of the left circle
		\draw[dashed] (0.33,-0.5) arc (-90:90:0.25 and 1.5);% right half of the left circle
		% middle circle
		\draw(2,-1) arc (-90:90:-0.3 and 2);% left half of the middle circle 
		\draw[dashed] (2,-1) arc (-90:90:0.3 and 2);% right half of the middle circle

		% right circle
		\draw (3.67,-0.5) arc (-90:90:-0.25 and 1.5);% left half of the right circle
		\draw[dashed] (3.67,-0.5) arc (-90:90:0.25 and 1.5);% right half of the right circle
		%\draw (4,1.5) ellipse (0.5 and 1.5);% a circle / the right ellipse
		\draw (-1.25,1.5) node {$\phi$};
		% x ticks
		\draw (-0.7,1) -- (4.7,1);% middle line / diameter
		% Right image / Cone
		% left circle
		\draw (7.73,0.5) arc (-90:90:-0.25 and 0.5);% left half of the left circle
		\draw[dashed] (7.73,0.5) arc (-90:90:0.25 and 0.5);% right half of the left circle
		% middle circle
		\draw(9,0.1) arc (-90:90:-0.3 and 0.9);% left half of the middle circle 
		\draw[dashed] (9,0.1) arc (-90:90:0.3 and 0.9);% right half of the middle circle
		% right circle
		\draw (10.88,-0.5) arc (-90:90:-0.35 and 1.5);% left half of the right circle
		\draw (10.88,-0.5) arc (-90:90:0.35 and 1.5);% right half of the right circle
		%\draw (4,1.5) ellipse (0.5 and 1.5);% a circle / the right ellipse
		\draw (5.25,1.5) node {$\phi_{2}$};
		% upper line / upper pythagoras
		\draw (6,1) -- (10.88,2.5);% middle line / diameter
		% lower line / lower pythagoras
		\draw (6,1) -- (10.88,-0.5);% middle line / diameter
		% middle line
		\draw (6,1) -- (11.7,1);% middle line / diameter

Capture d’écran_2022-12-27_12-40-42

It is not Tikz discourse, but I share Tikz code if that is allowed…