Hi all,
I have a question, I don’t know how to call function so it can create the animation, I get the code here:
this is the code:
using GLMakie
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Torus
R::Float64 = 2
r::Float64 = 1
function generate_torus(torus::Torus, resolution=100; upto=1.0)
u = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution)
v = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution)
x = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * cos(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
y = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * sin(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
z = [ torus.r * sin(vᵢ) for vᵢ in v, _ in u ]
return x, y, z
function animate_torus(torus::Torus, filename="torus.gif")
fig = Figure(resolution = (500, 500))
ax = fig[1, 1] = LScene(fig)
# Initialize surface plot with full torus
x, y, z = generate_torus(torus)
p = surface!(ax, x, y, z, colormap=:viridis, shading = false)
# Set the limits
xlims!(ax.scene, (-4, 4))
ylims!(ax.scene, (-4, 4))
zlims!(ax.scene, (-1, 1))
record(fig, filename, range(0, stop=1, length=100)) do i
# Update data of surface plot
x, y, z = generate_torus(torus, upto=i)
p[1] = x
p[2] = y
p[3] = z
the problem is when I type: animate_torus(torus)
it returns UndefVarError: torus
not defined and I think the poster in SoF will not answer it as quick as in Discourse, that is why I ask it here.