How to Call Function to Create Animation in GLMakie

Hi all,

I have a question, I don’t know how to call function so it can create the animation, I get the code here:

this is the code:

using GLMakie

Base.@kwdef mutable struct Torus
    R::Float64 = 2
    r::Float64 = 1

function generate_torus(torus::Torus, resolution=100; upto=1.0)
    u = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution) 
    v = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution) 
    x = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * cos(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
    y = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * sin(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
    z = [ torus.r * sin(vᵢ) for vᵢ in v, _ in u ]
    return x, y, z

function animate_torus(torus::Torus, filename="torus.gif")
    fig = Figure(resolution = (500, 500))
    ax = fig[1, 1] = LScene(fig)

    # Initialize surface plot with full torus
    x, y, z = generate_torus(torus)
    p = surface!(ax, x, y, z, colormap=:viridis, shading = false)
    # Set the limits
    xlims!(ax.scene, (-4, 4))
    ylims!(ax.scene, (-4, 4))
    zlims!(ax.scene, (-1, 1))

    record(fig, filename, range(0, stop=1, length=100)) do i
        # Update data of surface plot
        x, y, z = generate_torus(torus, upto=i)
        p[1] = x
        p[2] = y
        p[3] = z

the problem is when I type: animate_torus(torus) it returns UndefVarError: torus not defined and I think the poster in SoF will not answer it as quick as in Discourse, that is why I ask it here.

If your plot command (surface!) is outside the loop then you have to “update” it via observable.
See for example the paragraph [Animations using Observables] (Animations · Makie)

Here is the torus animation with observable. Note that you can have live plots and interactive plots in addition to the animation file production for free :wink:


using GLMakie

Base.@kwdef mutable struct Torus
    R::Float64 = 2
    r::Float64 = 1

function generate_torus(torus::Torus,upto,resolution=100)
    u = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution) 
    v = range(0, stop=2π*upto, length=resolution) 
    x = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * cos(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
    y = [ ( torus.R + torus.r*cos(vᵢ) ) * sin(uᵢ) for vᵢ in v, uᵢ in u ]
    z = [ torus.r * sin(vᵢ) for vᵢ in v, _ in u ]
    return (x, y, z)

function setup_scene(fig,torus::Torus,upto)
    ax = Axis3(fig[1, 1], aspect = :data, perspectiveness = 0.5, elevation = π / 9,
        xzpanelcolor = (:black, 0.75), yzpanelcolor = (:black, 0.75),
        zgridcolor = :grey, ygridcolor = :grey, xgridcolor = :grey)
    xlims!(ax, -4, 4)
    ylims!(ax, -4, 4)
    zlims!(ax, -1, 1)
    lift(d->surface!( generate_torus(torus,d)...;  colormap=:plasma, shading = false,transparency = false),upto)
    # lift(d->wireframe!(ax, generate_torus(torus,d)...; linewidth = 0.5, transparency = true),upto)
function main_movie()
    fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 800), fontsize = 22)
    upto = Observable(0.)
    # record(fig, "torus.mp4", range(0, stop=1, length=100)) do i
    record(fig, "torus.gif", range(0, stop=1, length=100)) do i
            upto[] = i # Update data of surface plot

function main_live()
    fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 800), fontsize = 22)
    upto = Observable(0.)
    for i ∈  range(0, stop=1, length=100)
        upto[] = i # Update data of surface plot

function main_slider()
    fig = Figure(resolution = (2000, 2000), fontsize = 22)
    sl = Slider(fig[2,1],range=0:0.01:1,startvalue=0.01)
    fig = setup_scene(fig,Torus(),sl.value)


So if there is code like this:

p = surface!(ax, x, y, z, colormap=:viridis, shading = false)

I should add something like this then:

upto = Observable(0.)


GLMakie is quite hard to grasp for beginner, but thanks for this, it helps a lot! Not only me but other people in this Discourse too.


First I have to say that I am not the best specialist for Makie observable system, just a happy user, and it would be nice if a Makie specialist could review the proposed script (In particular, the main_live).

FWIW, my understanding of the observable system is:

1 : You define one (or several) observable for a given (or several) quantity that will change during the animation. Here the quantity is your torus parameter upto:

 upto = Observable(0.) #0 is the default value of the observable upto (here of type Observable(Int)).

2 : If o is an observable, then lift(x->f(x),o) will execute the f(new_value) each time o is updated by the command o[]=new_value.

In the torus animation case this gives:

   record(fig, "torus.gif", range(0, stop=1, length=100)) do i
            upto[] = i # Update the value of the upto observable with value i

which triggers a new execution of the surface! Makie command via:

    lift(x->surface!( generate_torus(torus,x)...  ),upto)

where the function f(x) function is in this case the following closure(*) :
surface!( generate_torus(torus,x)... )

Hope it helps.

Not completely trivial to grasp but quite powerful (IMHO). You could for example add a title to the figure showing the current value of the parameter upto. To achieve this you need to add another lift construction like title = lift(x->string(x),upto).

I tried to illustrate that a useful consequence of the Observable system is to allow for different applications of the same code. In the torus case you have 3 different applications:

  1. The animation via the record function (main_movie)
  2. The live plot via a loop (main_live).
  3. An interactive plot using slider widgets (main_interactive).

(*) closure : function that captures some context variables like torus in this case.

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