My attempt at producing an image of the Mandelbrot set
using Gadfly
const ImageWidth = 30
const ImageHeight = 30
const IterationLimit = 100
function Mandelbrot(c)::Int64
seed = 0.0 + 0.0im
z = seed^2 + c
for count = 1:IterationLimit
if abs(z) > 2.0
return count
z = z^2 + c
return 0
function MandelbrotArray(Xstart::Float64,Xlen::Float64,Ystart::Float64,Ylen::Float64)
matrix = Array{Int64}(undef,ImageWidth,ImageHeight)
Xdelta = Xlen / ( ImageWidth - 1 )
Ydelta = Ylen / ( ImageHeight - 1 )
for y = 1:ImageHeight , x = 1:ImageWidth
Xvalue = Xstart + (x - 1) * Xdelta
Yvalue = Ystart + (y - 1) * Ydelta
matrix[x,y] = Mandelbrot(Xvalue + Yvalue * im)
return matrix
img = MandelbrotArray(-2.5,3.5,-1.75,3.5)
I have two questions:
How do I plot a matrix using Plots instead of Gadfly
Why is the image of the Mandelbrot set vertical (pointing upwards) instead of lying on it’s side like all other images of Mandelbrot set on the web?