Hello, Please take a look at the following text:
Consider the following: julia> grk = “β+θ” “β+θ” julia> length(grk) 3 julia> sizeof(grk) 5 Since β and θ occupy two bytes each, the valid indices into grk are 1 (β), 3 (+) and 4 (θ).
How can I find the number of bytes a character occupies?
Thank you.
Hello, I found it. I can do this with the help of eachindex(str) function.
Alternatively, and more directly, you can use ncodeunits:
julia> ncodeunits('a') 1 julia> ncodeunits('α') 2
If what you are trying to do is to iterate over the valid indices of a string, you should normally use either eachindex or nextind. e.g.
for i in eachindex(str) # do something with str[i] end
i, e = firstindex(str), lastindex(str) while i <= e # do something with str[i] i = nextind(str, i) end