In settings.json
for VSCode you can modify the julia.executablePath
"julia.executablePath": "C:\\Users\\kittisopikulm\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Julia 1.5.0\\bin\\julia.exe",
In settings.json
for VSCode you can modify the julia.executablePath
"julia.executablePath": "C:\\Users\\kittisopikulm\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Julia 1.5.0\\bin\\julia.exe",
You would want to modify the path for your operating system and for your specific Julia version. I’m just telling you that the setting exists and you can use this to switch between Julia versions.
I’m adding 1.6.1 to a knew computer and I forgot how to do this. I ejtracted the new Julia to home and renamed the first file Julia1.6.1
I then adde this command to .bashrc:
export PATH="~/Julia1.6.1/julia-1.6.1/bin:$PATH"
That should work, but just double check your path and make sure the binary exists. Also, if you still have the 1.5 path in there, you should either remove that OR put the 1.6 path first.
Something like
export PATH="~/path/to/1.6/bin:~/path/to/1.5/bin:$PATH"
I deleted that post, because it worked, I just forgot to restart my terminal