How can I view the whole command history?


How can I view the whole list of commands used on Visual Studio Code + Julia?
I’m not able to find that option.
I can just use the arrows to slowly navigate through than commands on the REPL.

CRTL+R should let you search through the history. Type something and up-arrow should only show stuff which started with those letters. The full history is in the ~/.julia_history file, at least for Julia 0.6.

It moved to ~/.julia/logs/repl_history.jl in 1.0.

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on my Spanish keyboard Ctrl+R doesn’t show the history.
It shows this box

And how can you view its content from VS Code?

After you mentioned repl_history I’ve found this question on stackoverflow

It seems we don’t have a dedicated window on VS Code to view the history as we do on RStudio or other applications.

You can just open the file. It’s a plain text file.

You know I don’t mean that.

I don’t—that’s how I view it. I also don’t use an IDE.


Thanks, this was helpful. It’s nice to be able to open the file directly. Still, sometimes I wish there was something equivalent to bash shell’s history command to just list the history in the REPL.

You might like @searchhistory from


would be nice to just have a history command in Base or not?

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