Thank you. I was in that session and found it very informative. Do you know if there a way to make pickandcopy() create the menu with only the REPL history strings from the current Julia session?
I think if we use the history file it is not possible at the moment, as there is no distinction between the sessions. If, however, there is a way to access the current session history somehow it should be easy.
I am not sure if there is an internal history storage/cache in the REPL somewhere.
I found Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].hist.history, which provides the REPL history.
It is initialized with the history file, but after those entries, there is no crosstalk between sessions.
In addition, there is start_idx, which marks the first new entry.
So here is a solution that looks good to me.
Get commands of the current REPL session as an array of strings
function get_REPL_as_history()
history = Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].hist
Save REPL commands of this session to a file
file: Path to a file
function save_REPL_history(file)
isfile(file) && error("file already exists")
open(file,"w") do io
txt = join(get_REPL_as_history(),"\n")
One thing that does not work is tracking repeated commands.
So when you enter print("123") and then another print("123") the history only tracks one.
REPL example
julia> """
Get commands of the current REPL session as an array of strings
function get_REPL_as_history()
history = Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].hist
julia> """
Save REPL commands of this session to a file
file: Path to a file
function save_REPL_history(file)
isfile(file) && error("file already exists")
open(file,"w") do io
txt = join(get_REPL_as_history(),"\n")
julia> print("123")
julia> print("321")
julia> print("123")
julia> print("123")
julia> print("bye")
julia> get_REPL_as_history()
8-element Vector{String}:
"\"\"\"\nGet commands of the current" ⋯ 155 bytes ⋯ "ory[history.start_idx:end]\nend"
"\"\"\"\nSave REPL commands of this " ⋯ 250 bytes ⋯ "ite(io,txt)\n end\nend"
julia> save_REPL_history("/tmp/record.jl")
That’s awesome. Thank you. The ‘next step’ could be to extend that ‘current Julia session’ functionality you just described (plus the ‘saving to a file’ functionality) to pickandcopy(). This would be valuable since pickandcopy() neatly keeps track of what mode one was in the REPL (julian, shell, help, package), which is useful for cleanly documenting what transpired inside a ‘demo’ coding session in the REPL.
But your answer definitely works as stated, so Thanks Again!
The modes are also present in the history cache. I just did not use them.
There is Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].hist.modes containing the mode for each history entry and there is Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].hist.mode_mapping containing the different promts.
Each prompt has then a field called promt which contains the start of the line.