Hosting Web Apps in Julia

This is really good. Thank you.

I’d like however to add one perspective I suspect a lot of non-technical people would share:

Being able to build a webapp for your package is a very attractive feature. It would be very useful to have some bare-bones, ultra simple, dumbed-down tutorial that includes some but not all of the components from this project. Maybe a simple sin plot with some input from the user?

My point is that there are scores of scientists that built some cool package they’d like to share in the form of a webapp, but very few of them built a webapp before. They (read: me) don’t know much about the terminology and parts involved in building and deploying a webapp. While this project demonstrates how this can be done, its level of complexity prevents these users from replicating it.

Imagine a template where the user could just replace the sin function with her own, adding or subtracting simple features, and following dumbed-down instructions on how to deploy it all on some standard server (e.g. aws). THAT would elevate the functionality of this effort tremendously!