I was forced to switch over from Atom to VSCode and noticed some strange behavior when starting VSCode. Whenever I start up VSCode a Julia process is created that uses 100% CPU usage even before Julia/REPL is started. I’ve seen else where that this is possibly due to the Julia Extension compiling my packages in the background but when I close VSCode this process is still running. If I reopen the program, another process is created in addition to the previous one requiring 100% CPU usage. It seems the only way to stop these is by preforming a restart of my computer.
Is there a way to prevent this from occurring? Is it possible to configure VSCode be similar to Atom such that Julia processes are only created when I run start Julia/REPL and can be killed by running exit()?
I am currently running Julia 1.3.0 and VSCode 1.41.1 on OSX 10.15.2.
Hm, what is really wrong, though, is that this process hangs around when you close VS Code, that should definitely kill it. Could you open an issue?
I should also add that @ZacLN and I are currently working on fixing this whole load time mess. We’re making progress It is our number 1 priority right now.
I actually have the same issue, since last week. I have to kill the julia process manually every time, and the CPU load is almost 100%. Since I have used VSCode julia for more than 1 year, and I have not updated Julia or Julia packages recently, I do not expect the re-indexing to take so long?
I am currently running Julia 1.3.0 and VSCode 1.42.1 on OSX 10.15.3, and VSCode-Julia 0.14.13.
In addition, I face the problem that sometimes, out of the blue, Ctrl+Enter executes the code in a new REPL. I have no idea what’s causing this and can therefore not reproduce it. I feel that it’s kind of unhelpful to report an issue without a MWE…