Help on converting a plot animated

I have a set of data as results of running an MPC on a plant. I Can plot them with different backends but all of them are kind of static and I want to have the plot somehow animated in a way that all the values send to the figure as time goes. (Something like the process control diagrams!)
Here is the figure:

and the values of each vector :

x1plot = [1.0, 0.9795959216465395, 1.0368036842462345, 1.2028438837092144, 1.468154989063687, 1.484055235892751, 1.4938946862488587, 1.5005513093323886, 1.504091565137907, 1.5062191301896122, 1.50723308388958, 1.507288731512581, 1.5067513329370403, 1.506009529188478, 1.5053144502810871, 1.5047608686366774, 1.5043505278278517, 1.5057681395074252, 1.5156671360318288, 1.4642357050787553, 1.328804302180349, 1.0994915852159097, 0.9616308274087315, 0.8994648628690904, 0.9083554901326204, 0.9981247006970843, 1.0197780221873798, 0.9955365828440463, 0.9938023332828294, 0.9950418390760862, 0.9951649572666283, 0.9951022163498978, 0.9950946305781759, 0.9950981963153389, 0.9950990007360584, 0.9950990795213179, 0.9950992378569707, 1.017119253453507, 0.957454099894261, 0.8220053221516276, 0.6400249624344633, 0.4519672717479262, 0.29049728630763155, 0.17067123187614328, 0.09198737853508454, 0.04560067948020436, 0.022116845848733656, 0.01066739270183293, 0.00513727052766951, 0.0024728901525444755, 0.0011901674984636005, 0.0005727760769532625, 0.0002756455188223564, 0.00013265169483293524, 6.383714169286266e-5, 3.0720931890655257e-5, 1.47841693781098e-5, 7.114772386469779e-6, 3.4239331958835335e-6, 1.6477449910767394e-6, 7.92967491473073e-7];

x2plot = [1.0, 1.1693204393002945, 1.092348952598085, 0.7101275515881297, 0.059399916226932845, 0.04626029495172327, 0.0455645813677555, 0.05284801420497194, 0.06931472268326216, 0.08946798593694463, 0.111103323272987, 0.13279527936302252, 0.15308832420130622, 0.17089644183709943, 0.1857698655190422, 0.19780191656641646, 0.2073667092747314, 0.21056967565908466, 0.19095091608794906, 0.3245020337524915, 0.6676689357816971, 1.2446599825306528, 1.5913352595002264, 1.7478891261196652, 1.7263028276423635, 1.5022143287369396, 1.448543253111473, 1.5095953112706582, 1.5142498608900314, 1.5114019397524534, 1.5112953709451284, 1.5116128060023797, 1.511759769797567, 1.5118529098034357, 1.5119322735019494, 1.5119969618348428, 1.5120483033301813, 1.4570361560651433, 1.606240249114801, 1.9449003463387, 2.399882311033357, 2.870049148014794, 3.2737389590659807, 3.5733129431347157, 3.7700273801428463, 3.88599651018131, 3.9447071318613185, 3.9733312027059133, 3.9871566916880687, 3.9938177194186366, 3.997024558170196, 3.9985680501545593, 3.999310882166257, 3.9996683690748642, 3.999840406439859, 3.999923197375075, 3.9999630394531067, 3.9999822130174096, 3.999991440145422, 3.9999958806284943, 3.9999980175774956];

Uplot = [0.35, 0.2699999904313764, 0.18999998137291352, 0.10999997448230449, 0.04539907071366808, 0.10367493085978326, 0.10327709091917717, 0.11529761190958211, 0.13848012688673858, 0.16185464485723203, 0.1823727925585447, 0.199304874045882, 0.2125036846273396, 0.22231517077252533, 0.2294010077774763, 0.2344771419222313, 0.23813775565051726, 0.23883749715155914, 0.22949800193603898, 0.28783159313172274, 0.36783149492996836, 0.44537053780033853, 0.36537053193355845, 0.28537052759173054, 0.2053705232764413, 0.12682792765066467, 0.20682787416365098, 0.25222064781513504, 0.22817736352312346, 0.22513677268342214, 0.2263371884222026, 0.2265187995313641, 0.22645134679156112, 0.2264339495713379, 0.22643229251475103, 0.22642931830598687, 0.2264262544501991, 0.20592615433278016, 0.28592616022836725, 0.3659261687059535, 0.4459261770956456, 0.5259261863232586, 0.6059261902808774, 0.6859261798293037, 0.7659260975790092, 0.8459205735152734, 0.8658449896428112, 0.8704684890936347, 0.8715378898346539, 0.8717852584175038, 0.8718401315333874, 0.8718508114094117, 0.8718512565991956, 0.8718493319885355, 0.8718468595187957, 0.8718442621650363, 0.8718416399998976, 0.871839020508764, 0.8718364186698746, 0.8718338545014419, 0.8718313621014645];

SetPoint = [1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 1.5032 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.9951 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
t_plot = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60];

using Plots

NFE_sim = 60;
p11 = plot( t_plot,[x1plot[nIter] for nIter in 1:NFE_sim+1], label=“x1”)
p11 = plot!(t_plot,[x2plot[nIter] for nIter in 1:NFE_sim+1], label=“x2”)
p11 = plot!(t_plot, xₛₚ[1:NFE_sim + 1], label=“y_sp”, linetype=:steppost, linestyle=:dash)

p12 = plot(t_plot[1:end], [Uplot[nIter] for nIter in 1:NFE_sim+1], label=“u”, linetype=:steppost)

fig1 = plot(p11, p12, layout=(2, 1));

Is there any solution to this??

Thank you all in advance!Preformatted text

There is an example for GR backend for adding data to a plot. If it is generic way the logic for overlapping plots is as follows

p1 = plot(....) #First series
p1 = plot!(p1,...) #Second series
p1 = plot!(p1,...) #Nth series

push!(p1, [(x1,y1), (x2, y2), ...., (xn, yn)])

I dont know how to push! one by one to each series. For other subplots(like p12 or fig[2]) use their handle. I have not tested with other backends.

Thank you very much @tomaklutfu!