Has anyone put together an animated plot using PlotlyJS to display the progress of a computation (so not a postprocessed gif and such)? If so, is there an example?
FYI: PlotlyJS.jl turns out to be quite capable with respect to animated graphics, displayed from a running program. Kudos to @sglyon!
and deletetraces!
did not work. Perhaps I was doing it wrong. But react!
was just the ticket.
Code at GitHub - PetrKryslUCSD/FinEtoolsFlexBeams.jl: Finite Element tools in Julia: large-displacement response of 3D flexible frame structures
Looks exciting! Great work
The next step would be to have the program run ahead, updating the graphics, and to also give some time to the event loop in the figure. How do I do that? Any ideas?
To answer my own question: I don’t think that is possible with PlotlyJS, the communication is one-way.
Can you post an example using react? There is no documentation. This seems to be a serious problem with Julia. Awful documentation.
Firstly, it’s fairly rude to both make generalisations about a whole programming ecosystem; yes, documentation does vary from the minimal to the excellent.
Secondly, you should try to create new posts if you are adding a new question to an old thread.
To your question, the link to the code example is in the first reply. You can see a similar follow up here too: