I am working on a dynamic programming assignment for macro-economics that has code in Matlab which I tried to translate to Julia.
However I cannot get the performance to be what it should be.
Here is the loop solving the Bellman equation in each iteration
function perform_loop(
for vfit = 1:VFMAXIT
#form Bellman equation
@inbounds for i in 1:size_state_space
u, ind = findmax(view(utilities, :, i) .+ β .* current_utilities)
optimal_choices[i] = ind
max_utilities[i] = u
# Vector of errors
absdiff .= abs.(max_utilities .- current_utilities)
# Maximum absolute error
vferr = maximum(absdiff)
#if (mod(vfit, 50) == 1)
# println("VF error = $vferr on VF iteration $vfit.")
# exit if converged
if (vferr < VFTOL)
println("Number of iterations: $vfit")
println("Error achieved: $vferr")
# if not converged, then redo
current_utilities .= max_utilities
return optimal_choices
Here size_state_space
is 1000
, which means that the length for everything is 1000
. Utilities is a 1000
by 1000
matrix indicating the utility
for every combination of elements in the state space, which is equal to range(.001, stop = 1, length = 1000)
. It has many values equal to -Inf
because some combinations are not feasible.
I feel like I have done a good job pre-allocating arrays and only using broadcasted assignment. I have also made sure to iterate column-wise over utilities
for fastest iteration. As you can see, the bulk of my computation, done in the loop, has been placed in it’s own function. Nonetheless my code still takes twice as long as similar code in matlab.
I have made use of Profile and ProfileViews to better understand what is taking up so much time, but I have yet to have a breakthrough.
I am sure the problem will be obvious as I have not had much experience writing code that needs to be fast. Any help is appreciated.