Since yesterday I started to see failures in building GMT in CI (and locally) due to
ERROR: LoadError: InitError: could not load library "C:\Users\j\.julia\artifacts\a0f65aec92810567654b7ca3b29b0786088806a6\bin\libnetcdf-19.dll"
libnetcdf did not cahnge recently but HDF5 did change yesterday
HDF5_jll build 1.14.5+0 · JuliaBinaryWrappers/HDF5_jll.jl@3f7b3cd · GitHub
I can confirm that
ing NetCDF on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04, Julia 1.10.5) works without any issue (despite it using HDF5_jll 1.14.5)
- this does not work on Windows (10, Julia 1.11.2) with the same error you encountered
- forcing to use HDF5_jll 1.14.3 (
add HDF5_jll@1.14.3 NetCDF
) does work
- using HDF5 with HDF5_jll 1.14.5 in isolation also works.
It then seems to be rather an issue with NetCDF.jl than with HDF5.jl (even though it is indeed likely caused by an update to HDF5_jll).