Hello everybody,
I get “libnetcdf not defined” when i try to open a ncfile, using NCDatasets & NetCDF. I use Debian Buster, 32 bit. Julia 1.5.3.
Have you any idea to solve it ?
I already did this
using Pkg
pkg"add Conda"
Conda.runconda(install -c anaconda libnetcdf)
But the error still exists.
This is what i do:
using NCDatasets
ds = Dataset(“/home//michael/file.nc”)
ERROR: UndefVarError: libnetcdf not defined
[1] nc_open(::String, ::UInt16) at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/eDnxY/src/netcdf_c.jl:267
[2] NCDataset(::String, ::String; format::Symbol, diskless::Bool, persist::Bool, attrib::Array{Any,1}) at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/eDnxY/src/dataset.jl:241
[3] NCDataset at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/eDnxY/src/dataset.jl:226 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
[4] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
Are you using a 32-bit OS because, because of some restrictions on your hardware? (I am asking because sometimes people install a 32-bit version of their OS without known that they could also run a 64-bit version).
I just checked the status about HDF5 (which is required for NetCDF). Unfortunately, it is not build for 32-bit linux either. So it is not so easy to bring support for 32-bit Linux back. But previous versions of NetCDF_jll did support this architecture (for julia 1.5).
Maybe it works if you install these (slightly) older versions by using:
]add NCDatasets@0.11.2
]add NetCDF_jll@4.7.4
Maintaining builds on less used CPU architectures is quite some work. More volunteers able to dedicate some time would certainly make a difference.
In any case a more helpful error message would be nice. I am wondering if you did not see any message before when the package manager installed NetCDF_jll .
While i install NCDatasets.jl or NetCDF.jl, i don’t get any error.
I install the older versions as you mentioned:
]add NCDatasets@0.11.2
]add NetCDF_jll@4.7.4
but i when i try to open a file.nc , i get the same error too:
ERROR: UndefVarError: libnetcdf not defined
[1] nc_open(::String, ::UInt16) at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/KVato/src/netcdf_c.jl:267
[2] NCDataset(::String, ::String; format::Symbol, diskless::Bool, persist::Bool, attrib::Array{Any,1}) at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/KVato/src/dataset.jl:241
[3] NCDataset at /home/michael/.julia/packages/NCDatasets/KVato/src/dataset.jl:226 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
[4] top-level scope at REPL[4]:1
– i also installed add NCDatasets@0.11.1 , but the same error. -