Having issues speeding up code with multithreading

I’m trying to speed up some code that takes subsets of columns from a data matrix and calculates a maximum score. The orginal code is complicated, so I’ve tried to simplfy it was much as possible here:

using Combinatorics

#Helper function to loop through pairs of data columns
allpairs(v) = Iterators.filter(i -> isless(i...), Iterators.product(v,v))

function maxScore(data)

    bestScore = 0.0

    for (i,j) in allpairs(axes(data,2))
        if isodd(i+j)
            currentScore = findscore(data,i,j)

            if bestScore < currentScore
                bestScore = currentScore

    return bestScore

function findscore(data, i, j)
    bestScoreSubset = 0.0

    #Create a somewhat small subset
    subsets = mod1(i+j,10)

    for subset in powerset(1:subsets)

        currentScoreSubset = score(data,subset,j)

        if bestScoreSubset < currentScoreSubset
            bestScoreSubset = currentScoreSubset


    return bestScoreSubset

function score(data,subset,j)

    if isempty(subset)
        return 0.0
    X = view(data,:,subset)
    y = view(data,:,j)

    b = X \ y

    ŷ = X*b

    return sum((yᵢ - ŷᵢ)^2 for (yᵢ, ŷᵢ) in zip(y,ŷ))

I tried using ThreadsX to parallelize the maxScore() function, but it actually made things slower.

ThreadsX version of maxScore
using ThreadsX

function maxScore_parallel(data)

    bestScore = ThreadsX.mapreduce(max, allpairs(axes(data,2))) do (i,j)
        if isodd(i+j)

    return bestScore

Here are some benchmarks as well

julia> using Random, BenchmarkTools

julia> Threads.nthreads()

julia> Random.seed!(1);

julia> data = rand(100,20);

julia> @btime maxScore($data)
  174.879 ms (612340 allocations: 990.52 MiB)

julia> @btime maxScore_parallel($data)
  906.113 ms (622461 allocations: 990.90 MiB)

Any recommendations for improving parallelization would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

My 2 cents : you should try to remove all allocations from your computation before its parallelization.
For example, I guess that this operation


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I wonder OP might be better off doing X \ Y, solving for all the columns at once.


Actually I did not try to understand the code.

My experience is that it is really difficult to obtain interesting Speed-Ups with allocating tasks.

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I definitely agree that avoiding allocations would helpful. In this case however I think that would be difficult because X changes size with every iteration, and both X and y change values. In the original code this size change is unpredictable.

Maybe there’s a good way allocate space for something variable in size but with a known maximum size?

I think I would also have to worry about race conditions with the allocated space.

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If you have an idea of the max size you may allocate for the max size. This workspace should be private for each task… Not trivial.

If the max matrix size is small (less than 100x100) then StaticArrays could be an interesting option.


I think understand what you’re proposing but I’m not 100% sure. Do you mean solving X \ y for every column subset and saving the score? That would create a 2^N by N matrix which is probably only feasible for small problems.

Do you think the linear solve is causing ThreadsX.mapreduce to be slower?

FWIW your code exhibits quite different perf on my laptop (M1 Max). You could try to reduce the number of threads on your machine.

julia> include("src/titi.jl")
Threads.nthreads() = 8
  101.412 ms (639420 allocations: 1.02 GiB)  
  45.493 ms (642679 allocations: 1.02 GiB)    #ThreadsX

And all the time is spent in allocation required by the linear solve:


Interesting! I lowered the number of threads to 8 and got a very similar result. I even tried incrementing the number of threads and it looks like going from 1 to 2 threads about halves the time, but after that you get about the same result. It looks like there’s a point where too many threads just tanks performance.

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Actually I was wrong, I thought only the y changed but since X changes too it’s harder

As the profiling by @LaurentPlagne shows you, most of the time is spent allocating memory (the yellow tiles). And multithreading works badly with memory-intensive codes.
On the bright side, it means that you have a wide margin of improvement accessible by simply optimizing your sequential code, without even worrying about parallelism.
And this improvement will in turn make multithreading more efficient.

I think your best bet for non-allocating linear solvers is this place:

You will probably need to allocate once per each size of X though


Why is this exactly? Is heap allocation even multithreadable, I’d expect it to happen one at a time to prevent writing to overlapped memory, but I don’t know the actual implementation of Julia’s allocator.

There are two reasons. The first is that before Julia 1.10 (currently an alpha), GC is single threaded, so as you add more threads, you allocate faster and all the time ends up in the GC. The second problem is that for larger objects (bigger than a few kb), there is a lock around allocating since you end up with essentially calls to malloc for the allocation.


It would presumably help to squeeze out all the allocations from your score function. I’ve been looking for an excuse to play with @Mason’s neat Bumper.jl as an alternative to writing technical multithreaded code that manually manages local buffers correctly, and this seems like a good opportunity.

Anyways, here is a version of your score function that is almost non-allocating:

function score(data,subset,j)
  isempty(subset) && return 0.0
  X = view(data,:,subset)
  y = view(data,:,j)
  @no_escape begin
    Xv  = alloc(Float64, size(X,1), size(X,2))
    b   = alloc(Float64, size(X,2))
    ŷ   = alloc(Float64, length(y))
    copyto!(Xv, X)
    Xvf = qr!(Xv)    # one alloc
    ldiv!(b, Xvf, y) # three allocs
    mul!(ŷ, X, b)
    sum((yᵢ - ŷᵢ)^2 for (yᵢ, ŷᵢ) in zip(y,ŷ))

Emphasis on almost though. I played a little with slightly more thoughtful methods for the ldiv! because it doesn’t really seem like the best way to solve that least squares problem. But methods like ldiv!(Xvf.R, [...]) don’t exist because Xvf is a PtrArray. And that single alloc in the qr! call may also be hard to get rid of, although I bet somebody else knows how to do it. Maybe GenericLinearAlgebra.jl could help?

With that said, getting almost all the allocations out didn’t actually make the call to score itself any faster, and I didn’t bother trying with the threading since the function call still touches the heap a few times. But just passing this along in case somebody else knows how to get those out or has additional thoughts. And because it is pretty neat to seemingly get rid of all those allocations completely for free with Bumper.jl. I should think that getting all those heap allocations out will make your code scale better with threads.


Oh no, the GAL (global allocation lock) has infected Julia :wink:


I think that @Oscar_Smith is just referring to the malloc-internal synchronization.

Wow Bumper.jl is pretty awesome! One thought I had was maybe combining it with QRupdate.jl which allows you to take a qr decomposition of the full dataset and then remove columns without recomputing the entire factorization.

Interestingly, using the score method with bumper did significantly improve performance when multi-threading, despite the similar results you mentioned:

using Random, BenchmarkTools

Threads.nthreads() # 7
data = rand(100,20);

@btime maxScore($data) #129.537 ms (612340 allocations: 990.52 MiB)
@btime maxScore_parallel($data) #53.769 ms (617649 allocations: 990.71 MiB)
@btime maxScore_parallel_bump($data) #14.049 ms (209736 allocations: 64.15 MiB)

I’ll call a ~10x improvement good for now :grin:


I’m really glad Bumper.jl was useful for you! Please do file issues if you run into bugs or have any feature requests.


Update. After learning way to much about QR decomposition, I wrote a replacement for b = X \ y that has zero allocations :tada:

using LinearAlgebra

#Loop through lower triangular matrix
#the 1st axis is reversed because we're moving non-zeros *up* above diagonal
lowTriIter(ax1, ax2) = Iterators.filter(i -> first(i)>last(i), Iterators.product(Iterators.reverse(ax1),ax2))
lowTriIter(A::AbstractMatrix) = lowTriIter(axes(A)...)

function qless!(b, X, y, R, Rsub, subset)

    numCol = length(subset)

    #Copy columns over to avoid destroying R
    for (k,j) in enumerate(subset)
        @views Rsub[:,k] = R[:,j]

    #Use givens rotations to zero out values below diagonal
    #Loop through lower triangular portion of Rsub
    @inbounds for (i,j) in lowTriIter(Rsub)        
        if Rsub[i,j] ≠ 0.0
            G,r = givens(Rsub,i-1,i,j)
            Rsub[i-1,j] = r
            Rsub[i,j] = 0.0

            for k in j+1:numCol
                (r1, r2) = Rsub[i-1,k], Rsub[i,k]
                Rsub[i-1,k] = G.c*r1 + G.s*r2
                Rsub[i,k] = -G.s*r1 + G.c*r2

    #Needed to call correct ldiv! method
    Rv = UpperTriangular(view(Rsub,1:numCol,1:numCol))

    #Solve R'R*b = X'y

    return nothing

b, X, y, and subset are the same as before. R is upper-triangular matrix resulting from Q,R=qr(data). Rsub is a matrix where we can copy columns from R based on the subset.

julia> @btime $X\$y
  6.350 μs (41 allocations: 73.56 KiB)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> @btime qless!($b,$X,$y,$R,$Rsub,$subset)
  2.133 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> b
4-element Vector{Float64}: