Poor performance multiplying many (large) matrices multithreaded

I am trying to multiply a bunch of (large and differently sized) matrices, and then do some reduction following each multiply.

Basically I tried to do this in a multithreaded loop, where I see good speed gains for small-ish matrices, but performance quickly degrades for large-ish matrices.

using LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools, Random

function mult_reduce(M::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
    n = length(M)
    s = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        tmp = Transpose(M[i]) * M[i] # calculate Mi' Mi
        s  += sum(tmp)               # reduction
    return s

function mult_reduce_threaded(M::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
    n = length(M)
    s = zeros(Threads.nthreads())
    Threads.@threads for i in 1:n
        tmp = Transpose(M[i]) * M[i]      # calculate Mi' Mi        
        s[Threads.threadid()] += sum(tmp) # reduction on each thread         
    return sum(s) # reduce across threads

On small problems, I get 4~5x speedup with 8 physical cores:

# (small) test data
n = 100
M = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, n)
for i in 1:n
    k = rand(100:200) # random matrix dimension
    M[i] = rand(k, k)

@btime mult_reduce(M) # 1 thread
  18.225 ms (200 allocations: 18.71 MiB)

@btime mult_reduce_threaded(M) # 8 thread
  4.451 ms (259 allocations: 18.72 MiB)

BUT multithreading seems to be slower than single-threaded for larger problems:

# (larger) test data
n = 100
M = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, n)
for i in 1:n
    k = rand(1000:3000) # random matrix dimension
    M[i] = rand(k, k)

@btime mult_reduce(M) # 1 thread (not setting BLAS threads)
5.987 s (200 allocations: 3.12 GiB)

@btime mult_reduce(M) # 1 thread (setting BLAS threads = 1)
  21.042 s (200 allocations: 3.12 GiB)

@btime mult_reduce_threaded(M) # 8 thread (setting BLAS threads = 1)
  9.937 s (275 allocations: 3.12 GiB)

Discussions in this post seem to suggest any allocation is terrible for multithreading since garbage collection is single-threaded.

Does this mean my application is doomed? I cannot preallocate those intermediate matrices (variable tmp) since each matrix is differently sized.

Please give me any suggestion to do these calculations. On my real problem, I am looking at 2x speed gains using 10 cores on a cluster. That isnā€™t as bad as this example but it is also quite disappointing.

The first thing to try is setting blas threads to 1. With big matrices, youā€™re probably over-allocating your CPU.


Yes, BLASā€™s threads donā€™t play nicely with Juliaā€™s threads (yet). Large matrix multiplication is already multithreaded but thereā€™s a heuristic that turns it off for sufficiently small matrices. I donā€™t recall the exact cutoffs, but that may explain the differences here. Just use BLAS.set_num_threads(1) if youā€™re going to rely upon Juliaā€™s threading at a higher level instead.

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Thank you for both of your replies. I updated my post to include timings from BLAS.set_num_threads(1) showing roughly 2x speedup on 8 cores. I have actually tried it in my application, which did not help.

2x speedup on 8 cores still seems poor, but I take this as ā€œthereā€™s nothing we can do at the momentā€. Is this correct?

(mis-read, wrong answer)

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using LoopVectorization, LinearAlgebra, Random, BenchmarkTools

function sumAįµ€A(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
    s = zero(T)
    # Unfortunately, this pattern in loops seems necessary for good performance.
    # I'll look into why the more obvious
    # `for m āˆˆ axes(A,1), n āˆˆ axes(A,1), k āˆˆ axes(A,2); s += ...`
    # performs poorly later.
    @avx for m āˆˆ axes(A,1), n āˆˆ axes(A,1)
        t = zero(T)
        for k āˆˆ axes(A,2)
            t += A[m,k] * A[n,k]
        s += t
basesumAįµ€A(A) = sum(Transpose(A) * A)

function mult_reduce(f::F, M::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}) where {F}
    n = length(M)
    s = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        s  += f(M[i])
    return s

function mult_reduce_threaded(f::F, M::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}) where {F}
    n = length(M)
    s = zeros(Threads.nthreads())
    Threads.@threads for i in 1:n
        s[Threads.threadid()] += f(M[i])
    return sum(s) # reduce across threads

n = 100
M = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, n);
for i in 1:n
    k = rand(100:200) # random matrix dimension
    M[i] = rand(k, k)

This yields:

julia> @btime mult_reduce(basesumAįµ€A, $M) # 1 thread
  8.981 ms (200 allocations: 17.67 MiB)

julia> @btime mult_reduce(sumAįµ€A, $M) # 1 thread
  7.832 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime mult_reduce_threaded(basesumAįµ€A, $M) # 18 thread
  919.900 Ī¼s (292 allocations: 17.69 MiB)

julia> @btime mult_reduce_threaded(sumAįµ€A, $M) # 18 thread
  648.190 Ī¼s (92 allocations: 13.39 KiB)

How big are the arrays you need for the actual application?

Raw LoopVectorization will start performing pretty badly beyond a certain size for matrix multiplication. That size is heavily CPU dependent, and based on CPU cache.
For my newest/fastest computer (the one I ran these benchmarks on) that size is rather large, over 200x200. For an old laptop, itā€™s closer to 50x50.

You can address this with blocking strategies (i.e., perform the matrix multiplication blockwise, where you copy each block into a preallocated buffer first) or if theyā€™re not too large, perhaps simply tiling the arrays (similar to blocking, but using views instead of copying memory).
If you do this, you can get 0 allocations per mul, and achieve better performance than BLAS + sum.


My matrix are typically 512 by 5~30k. I suppose this is too large for LoopVectorization? I can probably try the tiling strategy you suggested, thank you. It may partially alleviate my allocations too.

You should also note that 512 is a bad number for cpus. It means your vectors columns are a multiple of the L2 cache entry size, so if you arenā€™t a little careful, you can see tons of cache misses as a result of columns over-writing other columns. Iā€™ve seen 10x performance drops from this before.

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Hmm I didnā€™t know this. Sorry to keep this thread alive, but can you explain why columns will be over-writing other columns or what that means here? Does that mean I should choose something like 511 instead?

I actually purposely chose 512 because, according to graphs like this, I thought matrix dimensions in multiples of 8 maximizes CPU flops.

This is a bit in the weeds, but led to the weirdest performance bug Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m going to use zen 2 processors as an example, but intel is very similar here.

The L2 cache on this processor is 512 KB, stored in 1024 buckets of 64 bytes each. If you have a matrix with 128 rows of float64s, this means that the [1,1] is 1024 bytes in memory away from [2,1]. This means that these end up in the same cache line. By itself, this isnā€™t a problem since the cache is 8-way associative, but all entries in the first row end up trying to fit in the same 8 cache lies, causing lots of problems. As a result, blas typically uses panels with one of the numbers prime to ensure that when you are accessing one of the matrices in the wrong order for memory, you donā€™t get collisions.

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Since the matrices are of very different sizes the fixed allocation strategy of Threads.@threads might not be very good. I have had some good experiences with using Channel for the work items and Threads.@threads for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads() loop to process them. There is also ThreadsPools.jl.

I think it is possible to use a too large tmp matrix and views to avoid memory allocations. Especially if the first dimension is always fixed you will end up with contiguous memory for the view of tmp.

Actually, I donā€™t think this should necessarily be a problem here.

julia> using LoopVectorization, BenchmarkTools

julia> function AmulB!(C, A, B)
       @avx for m āˆˆ axes(C,1), n āˆˆ axes(C,2)
       Cā‚˜ā‚™ = zero(eltype(C))
       for k āˆˆ axes(B,1)
       Cā‚˜ā‚™ += A[m,k] * B[k,n]
       C[m,n] = Cā‚˜ā‚™
AmulB! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> M, K, N = 512, 72, 72;

julia> A = rand(M, K); B = rand(K, N); C1 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, M, N);

julia> @benchmark AmulB!($C1, $A, $B)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     44.239 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      44.365 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        44.423 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     120.546 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

julia> 2e-9M*K*N / 44.239e-6

vs 520:

julia> M, K, N = 520, 72, 72;

julia> A = rand(M, K); B = rand(K, N); C1 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, M, N);

julia> @benchmark AmulB!($C1, $A, $B)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     43.211 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      43.345 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        43.409 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     104.449 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

julia> 2e-9M*K*N / 43.211e-6

The CPU I ran this on (10980XE) has 8-way associative 32 KiB L1D cache/core

julia> 32 * (2 ^ 10) Ć· (8 * 8)

Yielding the fabled 512 as the magic(-ally bad) number.
But 119 (M = 512) vs 124 (M = 520) GFLOPS isnā€™t a big deal.
Both are very good; the theoretical peak for this CPU is 131.2.

Agner Fogā€™s example (see section 9.10, starting on page 103) is transposing a matrix.
We can try this:

julia> A = rand(512, 512); B = similar(A);

julia> @benchmark copyto!($B, $(A'))
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     844.904 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      850.551 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        850.523 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     1.722 ms (0.00% GC)
  samples:          5876
  evals/sample:     1

julia> A = rand(520, 520); B = similar(A);

julia> @benchmark copyto!($B, $(A'))
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     465.476 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      470.590 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        470.852 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     873.865 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Tranposing a 512x512 matrix took about 80% longer than transposing a 520x520 matrix on my computer. Ouch!
(The problem is much less severe if you use FastTranspose.jl, where I get 285 microseconds for 512x512 vs 235 for 520x520.)

That is because what were contiguous loads (down a column) from A suddenly become 512 doubles apart when storing into B, so that each one evicts the previous cacheline.

So, to reproduce this in matrix multiplication, we should similarly expect pathological behavior when multiplying column-major A * B without packing into a tile-major format.
This is because (in column-major matmul) on each iteration of the k loop, we load vectors from a column of A, and a bunch of scalars from a row of B. So if Bā€™s stride is 512, each of these scalars will be from a different cacheline.

Yet, performance is still fine:

julia> M, K, N = 72, 512, 72;

julia> A = rand(M, K); B = rand(K, N); C1 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, M, N); C2 = A * B;

julia> @benchmark AmulB!($C1, $A, $B)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     43.920 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      44.285 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        44.367 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     120.774 Ī¼s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

julia> 2e-9M*K*N / 43.920e-6

Thatā€™s 120 GFLOPS. Iā€™m happy to see great performance, but it seems like I need to understand this problem better.


My matrix are typically 512 by 5~30k. I suppose this is too large for LoopVectorization?

At that size, why not multithread the BLAS and sum? How does ThreadsX.sum(A * A') or simple sum(A * A') do?
Additionally, do they all really have 512 rows? If so, you can use a preallocated 512 x 512 C. sum(A * A') ā‰ˆ sum(A' * A), so youā€™ll want to make the smaller dim the outer dim.

Returning to my example, I looked into why the simply written version was slower, and it turns out the problem is with LLVM, so Iā€™ve filed a bug there.

The simpler version gives LoopVectorization more freedom in choosing the order of the loops, in which case it chooses an order more like:

function sumAįµ€A(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
    s = zero(T)
    @avx for n āˆˆ axes(A,1), k āˆˆ axes(A,2)
        t = zero(T)
        for m āˆˆ axes(A,1)
            t += A[m,k] * A[n,k]
        s += t

And this is indeed faster at many sizes than what I had written last time, and manages to workaround that LLVM performance-bug.

Iā€™ll consider trying to automatically implement some workarounds that hopefully have less runtime overhead than doing something like the above, which should be slower than the simple
for m āˆˆ axes(A,1), n āˆˆ axes(A,1), k āˆˆ axes(A,2); s += ... version.

I suggest giving it a try; seems to scale well without resorting to extra levels of tiling:

julia> A = rand(512, 1000);

julia> @btime sumAįµ€A($A)
  4.047 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> 2e-9*512^2*1000 / 4.047e-3