Graph compile issue

Also try:

  1. The first troubleshooting step is to force GR to rebuild. This should reset GR to using GR_jll.

    ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "GR" # Turn on debug statements    for the GR package
    ENV["GRDIR"] = "" # Force GR to rebuild from default settings
    import Pkg;"GR")
    using GR

    Check the generated build.log for errors.

  2. The second step is try binaries from GR tarballs which are provided directly by the GR developers as self-contained distributions for selected platforms - independent of the programming language

    ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "GR" # Turn on debug statements for the GR package
    ENV["GRDIR"] = ""
    # ENV["JULIA_GR_PROVIDER"] = "BinaryBuilder" # Alternatively, uncomment this
    import Pkg;"GR")
    using GR
  3. There might be an issue with GR_jll. Check if it can be loaded.

    import Pkg; Pkg.add("GR_jll")
    using GR_jll
    ccall( (:gr_initgr, "libGR",), Nothing, () )

This is extracted from GR.jl/ at v0.67.0 · jheinen/GR.jl · GitHub

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