GLMakie Menu list does not scroll quickly

When I have more options in a GLMakie Menu than can be presented in the figure, I am able to scroll up and down, but it takes 3 or 4 flicks of the scroll wheel just to get one more option to show up… Not ideal when there are dozens or hundreds of menu options. I’ve had this problem on multiple computers, so it’s not a mouse hardware issue.

Is there a configuration setting that I’m missing? Or maybe a way to get a scroll bar to go along with the list of option that I could drag?

I’m using GLMakie v0.6.13 and Makie v0.17.13.

I wrote this on a MacBook with the trackpad but it seems that some normal mouses return different scroll offsets. I’m sure there’s a generic solution with the input we get from GLFW, just not sure what it is