I’m following these instructions on getting Franklin.jl to deploy Julia notebooks with Literate.jl with GitHub pages. I’m using the following minimal example from the Literate.jl documentation:
Hello @mattgiamou , apologies for not responding earlier.
For plots, Franklin can work with physical files (actual .jpeg or .png or whatever). So you just need to save your plot and point to it.
What happens in your case is that Franklin applies a basic ‘show’ method to the last object, and in this case it just shows the name of the object. There could be a fallback detecting the MIME type of the object and trying to display a PNG rendered version of the plot but it’s not there yet.
What you have to do now
add a couple of lines of code to save the figure explicitly and then load that image.
the ‘output’ macro is there to help you get an automatic path for saving files. You don’t have to use it and could use an explicit path yourself if you preferred.