GenX model : Configurable Capacity Expansion Model

This model is developed for power generation and related stuff. It is completely written in Julia and JuMP. Can someone please help out with understanding of this model ?
GenX model by MIT

I need to understand the code. And want to develop similar model according to local needs.

It’s easier to reply if you can form a specific question.

Understanding the code is a little too broad of a question. What parts in particular?

What have you tried so far?

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I have studied math and optimization equations used in model. A macro level understanding.
However, I am unable to run the model on my system.
I want to see what parameters model is taking as input and in what terms output is.
I am unable to get code syntax from repo, where I can look for parameters and modify according to need.

To start with, can someone please guide me, how to run the model on local system.


By the looks of it, there is documentation on this: GenX: Introduction · GenX.

The code is here:

If you have specific questions, I suggest you contact the authors. I don’t know if they’re active on this forum. One way to get in touch is to open an issue:

Yeah. That seems the only way.
Doing same.
Thanks for the reply.