@vchuravy thank you very much for your help.
I tried to implement the xor shift version.
using CUDAdrv, CUDAnative
@inline function xorshift(x::UInt32)::UInt32
x = xor(x, x << 13)
x = xor(x, x >> 17)
x = xor(x, x << 5)
return x
@inline function gpurand(state::UInt32)::Tuple{Float32,UInt32}
state = xorshift(state)
res = (state >> 9) | reinterpret(UInt32, 1f0)
val = reinterpret(Float32, res) - 1f0
return val, state
function cuda_random!(r)
i = threadIdx().x
idx = (blockIdx().x-UInt32(1)) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
# random number generation
val, state = gpurand(idx)
r[i] = val
return nothing
r = Array{Float32,1}(100)
d_r = CuArray(r)
@cuda (1, 100) cuda_random!(d_r)
r = Array(d_r)
However getting this.
Float32[6.29425f-5, 0.000125885, 0.000188828, 0.00025177, 0.000314713, 0.000377655, 0.000440598, 0.00050354, 0.000566483, 0.000629425, 0.000692368, 0.00075531, 0.000818253, 0.000881195, 0.000944138, 0.0010072, 0.00107014, 0.00113308, 0.00119603, 0.00125897, 0.00132191, 0.00138485, 0.0014478, 0.00151074, 0.00157368, 0.00163662, 0.00169957, 0.00176251, 0.00182545, 0.00188839, 0.00195134, 0.0020144, 0.00195527, 0.00214028, 0.00208116, 0.00226617, 0.00220704, 0.00239205, 0.00233293, 0.00251794, 0.00245881, 0.00264382, 0.0025847, 0.00276971, 0.00271058, 0.00289559, 0.00283647, 0.0030216, 0.00296247, 0.00314748, 0.00308836, 0.00327337, 0.00321424, 0.00339925, 0.00334013, 0.00352514, 0.00346601, 0.00365102, 0.0035919, 0.00377691, 0.00371778, 0.00390279, 0.00384367, 0.0040288, 0.00409174, 0.00391054, 0.00397348, 0.00428057, 0.00434351, 0.00416231, 0.00422525, 0.00453234, 0.00459528, 0.00441408, 0.00447702, 0.00478411, 0.00484705, 0.00466585, 0.00472879, 0.005036, 0.00509894, 0.00491774, 0.00498068, 0.00528777, 0.00535071, 0.00516951, 0.00523245, 0.00553954, 0.00560248, 0.00542128, 0.00548422, 0.00579131, 0.00585425, 0.00567305, 0.00573599, 0.0060432, 0.00598407, 0.00592494, 0.00586581, 0.00629497]
The number appears quite random. However, not uniformly random between 0 and 1.
It will be too technical for me to implement/fix a random number generator.